July 2022 Minutes

Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Brooman (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs Goode, Harvey, McLaughlin, Webber
Cllr Hayward, County Cllr C Vernon, District Cllr P Robbins

1.Declarations of interest
2.Approve minutes 22 June 2022
The notes of the 22 June 2022 meeting were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman, proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour.
3.Matters arising - village sign; mower
The village sign has been moved to Richard Kent’s workshop for maintenance. Michael Wright has acquired a second hand mower; a new mower will be considered for purchase next spring.
4.County Council matters
County Cllr C Vernon had sent a report as she could not attend the meeting due to a clash with another engagement, Cllr Hinton read out Cllr Vernon’s report: County Council Wide Matters - Tree Planting; Lincolnshire want to see 750,000 trees planted around the county over the next few years. The ambitious target is linked to the national 25-year Environment Plan, which aims to create or restore 500,000 hectares of wildlife-rich habitat. Despite its reputation for being a green and rural county, Lincolnshire actually has one of the lowest tree coverage rates in the country at just four per cent, compared to an England average of 10 per cent. Lincolnshire County Council has started to respond to this by supporting tree planting projects around the county. In the 2021/22 tree planting season over 30,000 trees were planted. To keep track of progress, LCC have installed a tree counter on their website. There is also a map showing where in Lincolnshire trees have all been planted so far. Residents’ planting a tree in their garden or on land they control can register it on the tree counter and have it count towards the county’s tree planting target. Register your trees on the tracker now. Visit: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/green-masterplan/lincolnshire-climate-summit/2
Any trees planted within Lincolnshire over the last 12 months can be registered and added to the total. If residents have a site that would be suitable to plant 300 or more trees and are interested in looking at tree planting options, interest can be registered  on the website at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/744  or by contacting LCC  on sustainability@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
Electric Vehicle Charging Point Plan - five local authorities, led by Lincolnshire County Council and Midlands Connect, have submitted a joint bid for £935,355 Government funding as part of the Government’s Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Pilot which would deliver an extra 101 standard and 8 rapid charging points across Lincolnshire.If successful, the £935,355 will be distributed between Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Herefordshire, Rutland and Stoke-on-Trent Councils. It was expected that this support from Government will attract an additional £2.8million of private sector investment, with the cumulative funds being used to install a total of 322 standard and 27 rapid public EV chargers across the Midlands.  The majority of these will be on-street chargers in residential areas with the remainder being placed in council-owned car parks and other council-owned land. It is hoped that this pilot could pave the way for a larger, region-wide installation scheme. Last year, analysis by Midlands Connect found that Lincolnshire needs 1,404 new public EV charging points by the end of 2025 to meet the needs of the growing EV market. At present, 93% of electric vehicle owners have access to off-road parking. It was hoped that increasing the number of public charging stations will make it easier for those without a driveway to make the switch to an electric vehicle, while also increasing the ease of travel and charging for all EV users in the county. As part of the bid, LCC has drawn up key areas that could benefit from some of the 43% increase in the number of chargers outlined in the bid.  These areas are: Grantham, Boston, Gainsborough, Skegness, Lincoln, Market Rasen, Sleaford, Hemswell Cliff, Spalding and Louth.
Updating the Minerals and Waste Local Plan - Lincolnshire County Council has begun the process of updating the statutory Minerals and Waste Local Plan which is used by developers when putting forward proposals, and by the council when dealing with planning applications. Lincolnshire is an important producer of minerals and is currently the largest producer of sand and gravel in the East Midlands. Limestone, chalk, and hydrocarbons are also extracted in the county. Waste management facilities are essential to ensure the wastes generated by households, businesses and industry are dealt with in the most efficient and sustainable ways possible. As the first stage of updating the plan, LCC have produced an issues and options consultation document which sets out the main issues affecting how we plan for minerals and waste in Lincolnshire together with potential options for improving the plan. LCC then posed a range of questions to seek local views on the most appropriate way forward. In parallel with the issues and options consultation, LCC are carrying out a ‘call for sites’ exercise to give landowners, the industry and other interested parties an opportunity to nominate potential sites for allocation in the updated plan. At this stage, LCC are only inviting nominations for potential sites for sand and gravel and limestone aggregates extraction.
Collection amnesty for unwanted medical equipment extended across recycling centres - if residents have any unwanted medical equipment, the pandemic has meant there is a shortage of equipment such as perching stools, bed sticks and commodes, as well as smaller items like crutches or rollators. These can now be taken to Grantham Recycling Centre to be given to the NHS and reused. 
Grantham Bid for Great British Railways HQ - sadly, very disappointingly, Grantham is not one of the 6 locations that have been shortlisted for consideration. 
Fixmystreet – concerns regarding potholes, or damage to the roads should continue to be reported via this website. Mallard Pass - Stage 2 consultation will end on 4th August 2022. LCC will be making formal representations to the Planning Inspectorate at the appropriate time. Gareth Davies MP has stated that he has deep concerns about the proposal. Railings on Glen Road - following a conversation with Cllr Hinton, Cllr Vernon was looking into this and will provide a further update on railings by the pond. 

5.District Council matters
District Cllr P Robbins was unable to attend the meeting and had sent a report: St Martins Park (Stamford) as a joint venture between SKDC and Burghley Estates has been shortlisted for the Brownfield and Regeneration network awards 2022. (Basically, developing on Brownfield site that has been used before – i.e. disused, derelict, or ex employment sites). Stamford neighbourhood plan was adopted at Full Council this week. 76% of voters were in support of the scheme.130 Home inspections have now been completed with 5 more booked and no backlogs in SKDC’s quest to resettle Ukrainian refugees. Mallard Pass Consultation finishes on the 4th August, for technical documents winter 22/spring 23 will be the full council debate and a decision made whether we support or object. There is a petition being signed at the moment in objection to this development; comments should be e-mailed directly to Mallard Pass. An initiative called the UK shared Prosperity Fund or Levelling up money to put it simpler was very much working progress and there will be workshops in the coming weeks to discuss how, where and when this money can and should be spent. Cllr Robbins had said quite strongly that a good share of this money should be spent in Rural locations and not centred on the towns; Cllr Robbins would welcome and feed though the process. There was a strict qualifying criterion set by the Government. The details of which will be revealed in the coming weeks. Quarry - the remaining parts of the Quarry (phases A and B) remain undeveloped, except for the access into phase A. The only outstanding planning decision is S19/2160, which is a new outline application for just phases A and B, which is awaiting completion of a S106 agreement.
6.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr Brooman reported that four applications had been received for tree work which had not warranted any comments.
7.Planning - S22/1340 - Mr Stephen Purvis. Trim trees to provide clearance from overhead cables. The trees are willow, pear and apple. Old Bramley,16 Water Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application.
8.Amenities Working Group report 
Cllr Hinton said that the concrete blocks footings for the ISO container were in place; a plinth will be placed in front of the blocks. The Midsummer Festival will transfer the necessary funds to the Parish Council for the purchase of the container, the security of which will be the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Amenities Working Group will make suggestions for the screening of the container. Cllr Hinton was seeking quotes for a concrete area next to the gazebo on which the donated garden furniture will be placed. ‘Playground Projects’ will install the adult fitness equipment on 3 August.
9.Consider quote for village pump repair
10.Clerk’s remuneration
The Councillors unanimously agreed on a 5% pay raise for the clerk. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Brooman.  In the light of developing pay & inflation issues it was decided that the Clerk’s remuneration would be re-visited in Dec 2022.  
11.Jubilee celebrations report
Cllr Hinton said that the lottery grant provider had been impressed with the number of events that had been facilitated through the grant and had asked for photographs and articles that appeared in the Stamford Mercury and Glenside News - this will give publicity for the village,
12.Update on bank fraud recovery
Cllr Hinton said that LALC were waiting for NALC’s advice on the matter. Cllr Hinton had privately paid £35 for online solicitor’s help on the matter.  The advice obtained indicated the PC would have a case for recovery of the remaining outstanding fraud amount but the advice of the NALC legal department to confirm this was awaited.  
13.Burial Committee matters 
None. A review of the fees will be carried out later in the year.
LCC notification of temporary traffic restriction, Holywell Road on 24.8.22 from 9.30 until 15.30
LCC towns and parish news
TSGP publicity team - call connect 4 timetables
LALC news
Rural services network
SBA - data logged AGAR part 3
DM planning support weekly lists
Playsafety ROSPA - notification of play area inspection
NHS Lincolnshire ICR engagement
NALC - civility and respect project
Invitation to afternoon with LIVES 19.7.22
Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan, issues and options and call for sites
Zurich Municipal - change to UK legal status
The following electronic payments were approved:
Michael Wright - mowing £203.00
JRB Enterprise - dog waste bags £76.38
Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing invoice 52279 £189.60
Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing invoice 52148 £189.60
Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing invoice 52213 £189.60
DE Accounting - internal audit £124.80
Castle Bytham Youth Club - S137 donation £200.00
16.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr McLaughlin offered to produce a record, including photographs of the 26 village listed buildings.
Cllr Hinton had been liaising with Gareth Dawkins regarding the upper green land transfer to parish council ownership.
The Councillors will submit any comments on the Minerals and Waste Plan by the 12 August.