October 2022 Minutes
Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Brooman (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Goode, Harvey, McLaughlin, Webber.
In attendance
County Cllr C Vernon, two members of the public
Cllr Hayward, District Cllr P Robbins
1.Declaration of interest
2.Approve minutes 21 September 2022
The notes of the 21 September 2022 meeting were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Goode, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour.
3.Matters arising
4.County Council matters
County Cllr Charlotte Vernon presented her report: cost of living- there is help available for residents struggling with the cost of living; LCC have a large section on their website with useful links including how to apply for free school meals, financial support for carers, help with childcare costs, the household support fund and the HAF (Holidays Activities and Food Programme). There is also information on emotional support available through organisations and SKDC have more information too. The government has also announced that a new Household Support Fund (HSF) grant will be made available to county councils and unitary authorities in England – Lincolnshire has been allocated £5.46m for this third round of the HSF from 1 October 2022 to March 2023 and this time the government has not ringfenced any of the funding for any particular groups of people but local authorities are asked to give particular consideration to groups who may not have benefited from any of the recent cost of living support. LCC are working with district councils to identify and agree the most appropriate methods for distributing this grant funding and there is a requirement to provide access to the funding via an application process which was yet to be put in place and further details available. Residents facing financial difficulties can visit
https://helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk for details of the other support available.
Concerns regarding potholes should be reported via Fixmystreet website. Fireworks awareness – LCC are trying to raise awareness of buying fireworks though unlicensed traders who should be reported to trading standards, whose contact details are on website. Avian flu – there are positive cases in Ancaster; LCC are asking the public to be vigilant and to report dead wild birds to the Animal and Plant Health Agency on 03459 33 55 77. Launch of The Home Learning Environment Campaign which encourages parents and carers to chat, play and read more with their child to develop communication, language and literacy skills before starting school; the campaign has been launched by the Department for education, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Social Care’s Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – the Start for Life online hub can be found at www.nhs.uk/start4life/chatplayread
Biker Down is a national training course designed to reduce motorcycle fatalities and is available in Lincolnshire for the first time; it focuses on preventing accidents and educating bikers on first aid – biker.down@lincoln.fire-uk.org. Part-night streetlight adjustments – the lights sensors enter a period of adjustment at this time of year when their timings may vary as they adapt to the switch to Greenwich Mean Time. St Martins’ Hedges and oil deliveries – Highways are looking into the issue.
5.District Council matters
6.Land ownership - upper green, lower green, plot around the village pump
Cllr Hinton will send maps of the upper green to SKDC’s assets manager; the transfer of the patch of land behind the bus shelter from SKDC to Castle Bytham Parish Council presented no issues – Cllr McLaughlin will give advice on land registration and will register the plot once the transfer has taken place.
It was proposed by Cllr Brooman, seconded by Cllr Goode to approach LCC with a view to adopt the lower green, which the PC has been maintaining.
Village pump - Cllr McLaughlin recommended applying for listed building status though Historic England portal, once repair to the pump has been carried out. Proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Brooman, all in favour.
7.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr McLaughlin said that planning application S22/0338, Castle Farm was now the responsibility of the Planning Inspectorate for a final decision after SKDC missed the deadline for decision; the parish Council’s comments would be taken into account. S22/1901 – although the address shows Clipsham, the property is in Castle Bytham; the proposed application did not affect the street scene and the Planning Working Group therefore recommended no comments on the application. The Planning Working Group had no comments on applications S22/1906, S22/1897 and S22/1975.
8.Planning. A) S22/0338 - Appeal Notification; Castle Farm, Glen Road, Castle Bytham. The Parish Council’s previous comments will be taken into consideration. B) S22/1901 - Lansdowne Restoration; conversion and extension of agricultural buildings to form a single dwelling: (modifications to approved scheme). Holywell Farm, Holywell Road, Clipsham, Lincolnshire. The Councillors had no comments on this application. C) S22/1906 - Wilson; removal of a group of leylandii trees (red dot), e-pollard and reduce back to previous pruning points of maple and holm oak (yellow dots). Dove Cottage, Water Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application. D) S22/1897 - P Scott; reduction of maple tree to previous pruning points (red dot), 50% reduction to hawthorn trees (yellow dots), crown raise aspen tree to 2.5m (green dot). Paddock Lodge, 3A Counthorpe Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application E) S22/1975 - Mundy; remove variegated maple tree (T1) to just above ground level. 26 Cumberland Gardens, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application
9.Cemetery Water Supply
Mr Adams from school House had written to the Parish Council regarding the replacement of lead water pipes to copper pipes from Station Road up to School House; the cemetery water supply is carried though these pipes. Cllr Brooman said that Anglian Water had a duty to replace the pipes from the road to the edge of the property free of charge. The Councillors agreed that the cemetery could keep its lead pipe and that a non-potable sign would be placed by the tap. Cllr Hinton had written to both Anglian Water, who deal with billing for domestic properties and Wave, who deal with billing for commercial properties – the cemetery has been billed by Wave, and Anglian Water have also billed School House for the same invoices and need to refund Mr Adams.
10.Amenities Working Group report - ROSPA report
It was agreed to purchase a new swing baby seat and 8 bolts from Wicksteed; proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Brooman, all in favour. Cllr Hinton will ask Tim Smith to replace the rotten wood planks at the fort/slide. Playground Projects said that their notices on the adult fitness equipment were compliant and disagreed with ROSPA’s comments on their being placed too low.
11.Footpath signs project
A resident had contacted the Parish Council about the state of the public footpaths. Cllr Hinton said that issues had been reported on the LCC Public Rights of Way website.
12.Village pump repair/upgrade options
The Councillors agreed to replace the 5 rotten posts with grey recycled plastic posts; proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Goode, all in favour.
13.Update on bank fraud recovery
Unity Trust Bank are not signed up to a voluntary agreement to repay victims of APP (Authorised Push Payment) fraud; from November 2022 all financial institutions offering banking services will be legally obliged to join the scheme. Cllr Hinton was advised that we could still apply for compensation from Unity Trust or Lloyds (the receiving bank for the fraud) and had obtained a template letter from Which magazine for such claims and will now pursue this course of action. Cllr Hinton had attended LALC’s annual meeting at which he had raised a question regarding the lack of advice LALC had received from NALC and the fact that he parish council’s subscription to LALC includes a contribution to NALC; LALC will research alternative sources of legal advice.
14.Request for financial assistance from the children’s Christmas party organisers
Deferred as the application form has not been returned.
15.Request for financial assistance from Castle Bytham Youth Club
Deferred - on agenda at the November meeting.
16.Burial Committee matters
Cllr Goode had carried out a fees price comparison with other cemeteries and recommended a 15 to 20% increase.
oCastle Bytham resident regarding the state of footpaths and bridleways
oResident – cemetery water supply
oRural services network bulletins
oClerks and council’s direct magazine
oLALC e-mews
oCastle Bytham right of way application
oAnglian Water – Lincolnshire reservoirs
oLALC – cost of living challenge
oTSGP – Lincolnshire bus service
oLALC annual report
oResident – Jubilee trees on Little Bytham Road
oSKDC- weekly planning lists
oSKDC- proposed council tax support scheme 2034-24
18.Accounts - audit update; closure of 2nd Unity Trust bank account
The following payments were approved:
-PKF Littlejohn – external audit £240.00
-Stamford Storage – ISO playing field £450.00
-M Wright – mowing £300.00
-M Cooke – reimbursement RBL wreath £23.98
-LALC – AGM lunch £12.00
Credited – SKDC community cleaner grant £231.66 (BACS)
PKF Littlejohn have completed the external audit and sent Section 3 of AGAR and the Certificate of Completion of Audit. The 2nd Unity Trust bank account has not yet been closed after a technicality regarding the signatories; Cllr Brooman signed the form which will be submitted again.
19.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr Brooman suggested looking for 23 volunteer households to decorate a window as part of a village Advent trail – an article will appear in Glenside and on Next Door. Peter Langford will be asked to maintain the Parish Council’s website from now on and will be paid for the upkeep.
Cllr Hinton said that he will be retiring in December and will pass on responsibility for the Speed Indicator Device and the dog waste bins