Castle Bytham Parish Council meets in the Village Hall, Pinfold Road.

It is often difficult to identify which level of local government deals with which issues within a community. This page details Castle Bytham Parish Council's areas of responsibility.

Street furniture

The decode for the attached map is:

Red - grit bins Some LCC property, some PC property (but all filled by LCC Highways).

Green - Litter bins, all owned by the PC but emptied by SKDC.

Blue - Dog Poo bag dispensers, all owned and maintained by the PC.

Yellow - Public Benches, 3 owned by the PC, one donated memorial bench but maintained by the PC

Black (star) - Sand bins/sand bags, provided for residents in the event of flooding.  The bins are owned by the PC and the contents provided by SKDC.

The main financial responsibilities of the PC relate to the salary for the Clerk, work to maintain property belonging to the PC and additional work around the parish the PC feels will enhance the local area.  These costs include routine maintenance and capital expenditure.  A third cost the PC can choose to use are grants to local groups or amenities that will benefit the wider community in the Parish.   Examples of amenities not owned by the PC but benefit from our support are the Spinney in Little Bytham and the Castle Bytham village pond. 

The priorities for the PC focus on maintenance and improvements to amenities to the maximum benefit of all residents.  Some we can directly affect; others require that we apply pressure and inform other authorities of issues and seek to ensure they address them.  Two major tasks for the PC are the responsibilities for the property it owns and the consideration of planning applications submitted to us.  Two working groups of Cllrs, the Amenities Group and the Planning Group submit detailed reports to the whole Council having made detailed scrutiny of their respective areas of concern.  We have found this both speeds up the discussions at the monthly PC meetings and provides sound comment to support PC decisions on which the whole PC votes.