April 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2022

Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Brooman (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Goode, Harvey, Hayward, McLaughlin, Webber
In attendance
County Cllr C Vernon, District Cllr P Robins

1.Declarations of interest
Cllrs Brooman, Hayward and McLaughlin declared an interest regarding item 11
2.Approve minutes 16 March 2022
The notes of the meeting held on 16 March 2022 were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Goode, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour.
3.Matters arising 
4.County Council matters
County Cllr C Vernon presented her report: Lincolnshire County Council Good Citizens Award - LCC are encouraging people to nominate unsung heroes into one of four categories; Citizen of the Tear, Young Citizen of the Year (aged 21 and below), Community Group of the Year, Couple/Pair of the Year. Winners will enjoy a VIP Day out at the Lincolnshire Show with a guest and will receive a framed certificate. The link for nominating is on the LCC website, closing date Friday 6 May 22. Ukrainian refugee update: nearly 200 people or families have come forward as potential hosts. The network of Lincolnshire councils, police, public bodies, charitable and community organisations were working together to prepare to welcome the refugees. More details were awaited on how the resettlement scheme will be applied but joint working to develop plans and put effective partnership arrangements to oversee the local response had been carried out in the meantime. The initial focus was on providing links to local services, developing local donations, appropriate property and safeguarding checks. The Wellbeing Lincs service was ready to offer advice and signpost to services, while a community fund was in place to meet specific costs and needs of refugees. The Wellbeing Lincs service can be accessed by Ukrainian arrivals or their host families to provide the advice and support they need, as well as statutory services such as healthcare, education, benefits and council services. Further information and direct updates were available at www.HomesforUkraine.campaign.gov.uk
FixMyStreet - concerns regarding potholes or damage to roads should still be reported via this website. Cllr Vernon had attended a meeting with Rowan Smith from Highways and local residents; Rowan Smith had responded to public reaction regarding repair work to Cumberland Gardens when several roads needed urgent repair and explained that LCC were carrying out preventative work on some roads that qualified such as Cumberland Gardens before substantive work on roads that needed total refurbishment as the 450M budget would not at present stretch to do all roads in Lincolnshire; larger scale work will take place eventually. Queen’s Canopy: Cllr Vernon will help to liaise with Careby, Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting regarding LCC’s offer for more trees.

5.District Council matters
District Cllr P Robinspresented her report: Cllr Robins was giving assistance to the Castle Bytham residents waiting to host a family from Ukraine with regard to the visa application; the dwelling which will be used to house the refugees will be checked out, in retrospective if need be. Cllr Robins said that Enforcement had a backlog of work but that The Old Smithy’s gate issue had been noted. Cllr Robins had spoken to the developer regarding parking issues on Station Road and the state of the pavement, sending regular updates and photographs.
6.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr McLaughlin said that no planning applications had been submitted. SKDC had refused planning permission to application S22/0249 - Oakwood Homes, Holywell Road. It was not yet known whether application S22/0338, Castle Farm, Glen Road would be determined by delegated authority or committee at SKDC.
The following applications were given planning permission by SKDC: 
S22/0322 - 19-21 Pinfold Road
S22/0349 - Rectory Farm, Glen Road; tree work
S22/0134 - Highbury Lodge Hill Farm, The Clock House, Swayfield Road
S22/0196 - Priory Farm Yard, Station Road
8.Amenities Working Group report 
Cllr Harvey carried out an inspection of the playing field on19 April 22 and found the area generally in good condition. The three separate piles of brash by the trees were still awaiting attention; Woodcraft will return to chip the remaining wood but had been short staffed due to Covid issues. The barrier posts and fencing at the castle mound and slide were all secure. Concrete slabs on north and south sides of the slope were partially re-exposed and needed to be re-covered. The swing gate to the footpath beyond the castle mound remained in good repair. The latch on the main pedestrian gate from Glen Road was replaced and remained secure. The goal posts remained secure and offered no risk. Covid-19 mitigation warning signs remained in place at both entrances. The basketball structure bolt caps had been fitted although one still remained exposed. The ‘No Climbing’ sign on the basketball hoop structure (as recommended by ROSPA) will be re-fitted with tamper-proof bolts in April. The dry stone wall which extends into the field, close to and parallel with the southern garden fence of 39 Glen Road, has significantly deteriorated, particularly a one metre stretch from the rear garden fence of number 37 Glen Road; detailed inspection and proposals for possible remedial work were awaited.
9.Village pump
Cllr McLaughlin said that the village pump wooden posts had rotted and that the pump and surrounding fencing needed to be assessed. Cllr Hinton had spoken to Nigel Allsopp who will provide a quote for repair.
10.Donation for refugees from Ukraine
A resident will be welcoming a family of refugees from Ukraine and had asked the parish council for financial help to be provided to the family. Cllr Hinton suggested a £500 cash donation which he would give to the residents; the parish council would reimburse Cllr Hinton. The Councillors agreed that this would not set a precedent and that should more Ukrainian families arrive in Castle Bytham a fund-raising scheme will be set up. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Goode, all in favour.
11.Request for financial assistance from Bythams Community Shop
Cllr Hinton said that the shop was now profitable but was still serving a large loan for the next 48 months. Two options were presented to the Councillors: a £2,500 grant or the purchase of shares to the value of £2,500. Both options would allow the shop to speed up its ability to start making a profit; the profit would go back to the community. Cllrs Goode, Harvey and Webber had not declared an interest and were able to vote, unanimously electing the option of the purchase of £2,500 of shares.
12.Recreation Field development – adult fitness equipment
The Councillors unanimously voted in favour of the Playground Project Ltd equipment funded by the General Lottery Grant.
13.Purchase 2nd defibrillator and cabinet
A second defibrillator and cabinet have been ordered from London Hearts at a total cost of £1489.20. Jonathan Wattam will carry out the electrical supply connection. The defibrillator will be sited on the right hand side of the community shop front door.
14.Queen’s Jubilee
Cllr Hinton said that around £800 of the £7,700 grant was left; Bythams School had been the largest recipient. VAT will be recovered in the 2022/23 financial year.
15.Village gateways update
Cllr Hinton said that the gateways would be installed within the next 3 weeks.
16.Parking in the High Street opposite the surgery
Cllr McLaughlin said that the area was owned as private land by SKDC, the landowners.; the area comprised Turner’s Close and the grass verge. LCC had inspected the area in 2012 following a request from the parish council to create a parking area at the site; the project had been turned down due to cost, the location of the BT pole and the steepness of the bank. Cllr McLaughlin thought it would be worth submitting a new request to the local authority. Cllr Hinton was in favour of requesting a 20mph at that stretch of the High Street.
17.Community Speedwatch project
Cllr McLaughlin said that all the equipment had been received and the locations confirmed; an e-mail will be sent to the project volunteers.
18.Fibre broadband project
Cllr Brooman said that there had been no movement on the project; procurement was 
scheduled for May 2023. 60 households had signed up but 300 were needed in order to receive the vouchers. The project would be in competition with high speed broadband providers.
19.Best Kept village Competition
The Parish Council agreed not to enter the Best Kept Village competition
20.Burial Committee matters 
Lincolnshire Police newsletters
Countryside Access - DMMO
Resident - traffic calming; location 30mph signs and village gateways on Holywell Road
Rural Services bulletin
LALC e-news
Parish Online training session
DM Planning weekly lists
HMRC - successful employer payment summary submission
Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire
Resident - inconsiderate parking works vehicles on Station Road
SKDC - planned Jubilee celebrations 
LALC, NALC - Shining Stars and Star Council awards 2022
LALC - Good news Stories submissions
Rural Services Network bulletin
LCC Towns and Parishes
Places Called Home TNL Community Fund - update request on grant money project
Resident - proposed 20mph speed limit on stretch of the High Street; Cllrs Hinton and Harvey to reply
Resident offering a home to Ukrainian Refugees - donation request for the Ukrainian family
YMCA Lincs news & bulletin
Stamford Arts Centre cinema programme
District Cllr P Robins -reply to rough sleeper enquiry
District Cllr P Robins - Station Road pathway
Bythams School Headteacher - thank you message for PC donation
The following electronic payments were approved:
- LALC annual subscription £243.06
- Streetwise Environmental - playing field £94.80
- Modern Landscaping - upper green memorial bench base; tightening traffic mirror opposite surgery £165.00
- Appliances Direct - Jubilee funds; barbecue £384.96
- Easy Equipment - Jubilee funds; tables and tablecloth clips £1505.45
- M Cooke - reimbursement Jubilee funds Amazon purchase tableware £326.70
- M Cooke - reimbursement Jubilee funds Amazon purchase bunting £459.80
- Furniture at Work - Jubilee funds; chairs £1200
- London Hearts - defibrillator and cabinet £1489.20
- M Cooke - reimbursement Jubilee funds Amazon purchase banqueting roll £50.85
23.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr Brooman wondered why the PC percentage contribution to council tax had decreased; Cllr Hinton said that this was as result of council tax rates having increased significantly, so the proportion passed to the precept had declined as a percentage of the whole.
Cllr Hayward said that friends of Pat Bowles had gathered at the memorial bench to remember Pat and have a celebratory toast.
One Cllr felt that repeating the new EA installed fencing along the stream on Glen Road was an excessive size.  However, Cllr Hinton said that it met current HSE specifications for preventing the public falling into the pond. Cllr Hinton had not found any contractors ready to take on the task of levelling the cemetery ground. Cllr McLaughlin said that she would ask a contractor in Little Bytham who may be interested in taking on the job.
Cllr Webber said that Peter Martindale had resigned from the Educational Foundation; Cllr Webber was the new Chair for the Foundation.