June 2022 Minutes


Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllrs Harvey and McLaughlin
In attendance
County Cllr C Vernon, District Cllr P Robins
Cllrs Brooman, Goode, Hayward, Webber

1.Declarations of interest
2.Approve minutes 18 May 2022
The notes of the 18 May 2022 meeting were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour.
3.Matters arising  
4.County Council matters
County Cllr said that there was no new information to report since the May meeting; the jubilee celebrations and midsummer festival had both been a success.
5.District Council matters
District Cllr P Robbins reported on Grantham Hospital 24/7 access, the Mallard Pass, fuel cost increases already affecting a number of people.
Cllr Hinton asked whether anything would be done at local government level to help those struggling with rising fuel costs; Cllr McLaughlin said that vulnerable people who would benefit from advice on the correct product to achieve heating efficiency often did not have access to the internet to glean the information.
The internal audit was carried out by DE Accounting; the AGAR forms, variance analysis and bank reconciliation were approved by the Councillors and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.The forms will be sent to external auditors PKF Littlejohn. Proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.
7.Annual accounts
The annual accounts were approved and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. Proposed by Cllr McLaughlin,seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.
8.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr McLaughlin reported on S22/1061 and said that the proposed dormer windows in traditional form made the house look more balanced and suggested a no comment response to SKDC. Cllr McLaughlin and Cllr Goode had also carried out a site visit for application S22/0856 and reported that the modest timber framed proposed garage complemented the barn planning application and suggested a no comment response to SKDC.
9.Planning - a) S22/1061.Mr Adrian Morgan; two-storey side extension and alterations to the existing patio. Resubmission of S21/2534 with additional dormer windows. Plantation Lodge Farm, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comment on the application. b) S22/0856.Mr Bill Sacker; erection of detached garage to northern side of dwelling. Owls Lodge , Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comment on the application
10.Castle Bytham Education Foundation
Cllr Webber had sent a report to the Councillors prior to the meeting explaining that there was no longer a need for a Parish Councillor to sit on the Castle Bytham Education Foundation. The Councillors unanimously endorsed this proposal.
11.Amenities Working Group report 
Cllr Harvey carried out an inspection of the playing field on  22nd June 2022 and found the area generally in reasonable condition. 
There were no issues with the picnic benches.Six extra wooden chairs and a table had been donated and placed next to the new gazebo.
 Swings and see-saw were all secure and there were no issues.
Trees - the three separate piles of brash had been removed, although a number of the strips of plastic tape used to cordon off the branches were not removed and had been strewn around the area. Cllr Harvey will endeavour to retrieve all of these.Euan McLaren removed one of the tall conifers on the Dupree’s side of the northern border fence on 22 June. A large side branch, at the base of the main trunk, which protruded into the playing field, had collapsed and the “joint” had torn away from the main trunk. Euan considered that this had seriously compromised the integrity of the tree, which was very likely to break and topple into the playing field. All the logs have been removed and the branches chipped and taken away.  Castle Mound and slide - barrier posts and fencing were all secure. Concrete slabs, on both north and south sides of slope, having previously been covered, were now partially re-exposed and still needed to be re-covered.
The swing gate to footpath beyond “castle” mound remained in good repair. 
The latch on the main pedestrian gate from Glen Road was replaced and remained secure. The goal posts remained secure and offered no risk. 
Covid 19 mitigation warning signs remained in place at both entrances.
Basketball structure : one bolt cap was still required but was proving difficult to remain fixed; Cllr Hinton had made 
several attempts at securing the bolt cap.The “No Climbing” sign on the basketball hoop structure (as recommended 
by ROSPA) had been fitted. The dry stone wall which extends into the field, close to and parallel with the southern 
garden fence of 39 Glen Road, had now had attention and appeared fairly stable.
12.Consider quote for village pump repair
Deferred until the next meeting.
13.Purchase of lawnmower 
Cllr Harvey will find out whether Michael Wright still needed a new mower; it was proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin to spend up to £500to buy a new mower to be kept on Parish Council property should Michael Wright require a replacement mower; all in favour.
14.Village sign - lower green
The village sign will be taken to Richard Kent’s workshop for repair.
15.Update on bank fraud insurance claim 
Cllr Hinton said that Unity Trust Bank had been able to recover £1500.92 from the Lloyds Bank fraudulent account. Action Fraud were unable to prosecute because the fraud had originated outside the UK. The Parish Council was not covered for internet fraud under the Zurich Insurance policy. Legal advice was being sought from NALC.
16.Request for financial assistance from Castle Bytham Youth Club
In 2019 the Parish Council pledged £500 for the Castle Bytham Youth Club; £300 were paid as a starter; it was proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Harvey to donate £200. The organisers and a few members of the Youth Club will be invited to the September meeting.
17.Burial Committee matters 
YMCA Lincolnshire - news and bulletin
Rural Services Network - bulletins
Mallard Pass Action Group - update
DM Planning Support - weekly lists
LALC - call foe jubilee celebration stories and photographs
NHS Lincolnshire - feedback on location options for Community Diagnostic Centre 2
Resident - provision of first aid course; Cllr Mc Laughlin will contact LIVES for first aid training once the second defibrillator has been installed.
LCC - issues with Parish Council websites due to security certificate renewal; the issue was fixed
NHS Lincolnshire Engagement Bulletin
Resident regarding tree near the water pump touching telephone wires; Cllr Hinton reported the problem to SKDC
Mallard Pass - statutory consultation 26 May - 4 August 22
LALC- networking day
Parish Online newsletter
Stamford Arts Centre  - Cinema programme
YMCA Lincolnshire - news and bulletin
SKDC - community cleaner grant BACS notification
The following electronic payments were approved:
- Anglian Water - cemetery £13.26
- Woodcraft Tree Service Ltd - pollarding and pruning £300.00
- P Weinmann - strimming and spraying £60.00
- Zurich Municipal - annual insurance £760.06
- M Wight - mowing £168.00
- M Cooke - reimbursement printer toner £14.99
20.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr Hinton said that low growing wild flowers will be planted in front of the village gateways next spring; Cllr Hinton will produce a revised site plan of the mowing areas undertaken by Michael Wright.