January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2021


Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Brooman, Farley, Goodman, Hayward, McLaughlin, Thomas, Webber.

In attendance

County Cllr B Adams, 9 members of the public.

The meeting was conducted using Zoom IT conferencing facility in line with advice from the National Association of Local Councils.

1. Declarations of interest


2. Approve minutes 16 December 2020

The notes of the 16 December 2020 meeting were approved as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.

3. Matters arising


4. County Council matters

County Cllr B Adams said that LCC were preparing a one year budget only for 2021-22 in view of Covid-19; LCC’s finances were healthy at present. There was uncertainty on whether the County Council May 2021 elections would take place in view of Covid-19.

5. District Council matters

County Cllr B Adams, acting District Cllr said that SKDC’s finances showed a deficit, with the shortfall covered by reserves. Cllr Goodman said that there had been no joined up approach to the Covid-19 vaccination programme; Cllr Adams will forward some information to the clerk and asked to be contacted about any residents’ transport problems to reach vaccination venues. Cllr Thomas asked about SKDC’s planning policy on contacting neighbours regarding planning applications; Cllr Adams said that neighbours should be informed and notices placed on lamp posts near the application site.

6. Precept 2021-22

The Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of requesting a precept of £15,000.00 for 2021-22. This was the same amount as that requested for 2020-21. Proposed by Cllr Hayward, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.

7. Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group. Letter from a resident regarding the removal of a hedgerow in Water Lane. Update on quarry development.

Cllr Brooman presented the report - With regard to application S20/2095, the self build modular home on Morkery lane, the application was for permission in principle, which is the first step often used to ‘test’ if a full application would be approved.

The sub group review the application, with Cllrs Thomas and McLaughlin attending site to see the location and access.

The application has received 12 letters, including several letters with support, some with no objection and none with specific objections.

The application will be reviewed on its merits by the officers of South Kesteven District council, and should they find that it is in conformity with the SKDC Adopted Local Plan, the Parish council would support the application. Cllr Goodman thanked Mr and Mrs Eudall for engaging with the village before submitting their application.

With regard to application S20/2150, the full application for one dwelling in between the 6 new houses and the existing properties on Holywell Road.

The working group reviewed the application, and have the following points to put forward:

A. The application included a Design and Access statement that is a disappointment to the Parish, with no care, time or effort put into its completion.

Multiple mis-spelling of Bytham, throughout. The Application contains inaccurate statements regarding non-existent or incorrect policies. For example:

1. 2.1 - Castle Byhtem(SP) is not in Thurlby, and does not have a fixed post office.

2. 4.3 planning statement is incomplete.

3. 5.0 The recent planning approval was given prior to the adoption of the aforementioned local plan, which was not adopted until 2020, therefore any attempt to reference “proof” is incorrect.

1. 6.1 One house does not offer any planning gain (this is covered by recent case law). 6.1 Reference here are to Thurlby Neighbourhood plan, which is irrelevant and therefore all the statements in 6.1 should be ignored as irrelevant.

4. Normal Planning Considerations

1. All tests cannot be met in a positive manner, for example, in the Planning Working Group’s opinion, the trees present at the site contribute to the amenity of the area and many will be lost, and many were mentioned specifically in the tree protection of the earlier site.

2. The proposal does not utilise an existing access that serves an existing property, as there is no existing property.

3. The approved application for the 6 houses stated that it was in part, approved due to the reduction in the number of houses to an acceptable number.

4. The proposal makes changes to the garage and plots previously proposed and approved, however these new changes would need a section 73 variation of condition (to the approved plans) application to be determined prior to the submitted application, as this would ensure the scheme is built in accordance with current approved plans.

B. The SKDC local plan Policy SP3 discusses the application must not cause harm or unacceptable impact upon the occupiers of adjacent properties. The Planning Working Group feel that this application does cause unacceptable impact to the existing and new properties. Unacceptable because of the proximity to the properties, the cumulative effect of multiple properties being developed, the character and feel of the settlement. It is not just the existing properties that must be considered, but the new builds also.

C. There is significant lack of local support, in so far as a number of parishioners have directly approached members of the Planning Working Group to voice their objection. If the new build properties were finished and occupied, it was felt there would also be objections from them.

As a result of the above outlined, the planning working group would recommend not supporting this application. The planning group recommends that should this application should not be given officer recommendation for approval and is submitted to the SKDC Planning Committee. Cllr McLaughlin encouraged neighbours of the site for the proposed site to put comments on SKDC’s planning website; SKDC had not notified neighbours of the proposal - County Cllr B Adams will take the matter up at SKDC. On a previous occasion, neighbours had not been informed of the sale of the farm track which was the location for the proposed chalet bungalow.

The Planning Working Group also discussed the letter, addressed to the Parish council regarding S17/2153 (the bunker) and could not find it specifically noncompliant, having examined the original planning application, landscaping and visual appraisal and the accompanying photographic evidence. The recommendation was that, should the author of the letter feel that there is still a requirement to escalate, to discuss with the SKDC planning enforcement.

Cllr Hinton had circulated a recent update on the quarry development provided by Kingwest.

  • The 6 self build house plots (Plot C) that front Station Road have been sold to one developer detailed planning applications will be submitted.

1. Impacts: Disruption to traffic along Station Road, mainly due to the provision of utility connections that go along the road.

2. The provision of the foul water drain sump for the shop included capacity for the two adjacent house plots for which the shop can make a connection charge. The saving to the community is that it is one less road closure needed to dig up the road.

  • A major developer is buying the two large plots (A & B). Kingwest expect to complete the sale contract for Plot A by the end of February at which time they will put Cllr Hinton in touch with the developer. Sale of Plot B is expected to follow shortly thereafter. It would seem that the developer will retain the layout design already approved by SKDC (road layout individual house plot locations, number of affordable homes etc).

However, the Parish Council will wish to monitor this closely and have an interest in ensuring the actual external house designs are in accordance with the village and the ecology of the site is protected. It seems that the developer will be looking at a build phase that will be finished in 2022.

1. Impacts:

i. Traffic to and from the site, mud on the road etc

ii. Large workforce on sit

iii. Utility connections may be disruptive but are likely to be of long term benefit to the wider community eg removal of overhead power supplies.

iv. Provision of S106 funding for the upgrade of children’s play facilities on the Recreation Field. I have reminded SKDC of our bid for this funding (around £60k), and need to press on with the design for the Field.

v. Upgrade of the footway along Station Road (also S106 funded) ; Cllr Hinton will contact LCC Highways planners to see exactly what this means and also discuss the options for new Street lighting when the telegraph poles are taken down.

The potential build time frame for completion in 2022 seems optimistic but more will be known at the end of February.

8. Planning Applications:

A. S20/2095 - Mr Anthony Eudall. Demolition of an existing under-utilised barn in favour of the erection of a 3 bedroom, self-build modular dwelling on previously developed land. Land at Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham. The Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of supporting the application if it was in conformity with South Kesteven’s Adopted Local Plan. Proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour.

B. S20/2150 - Mr Nichols. Proposed New Chalet Bungalow. Land Adjacent to Pineview, Holywell Road, Castle Bytham. It was proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Farley, all in favour to object to the application for all the reasons cited in the Planning Working Group’s report and to ask for it to go to Planning Committee at SKDC should the application be given officer recommendation for approval.

The following applications were given planning permission for tree work by SKDC:

S20/1939 - 3 Glenside S20/1938 - 6 Glenside S20/1971 - Glen house, 63 Glen Road

9. Amenities Working Group report – cemetery paths; cemetery tree work; ‘Men in Sheds’ proforma; Upper Green fencing

Cllr Webber said that upper green railings were a work in progress. Cllr Hayward had been researching replacement posts costs and will obtain quotations for the work to be carried out. Cllr Hayward has put pegs down at the cemetery as visual reference for the new paths; the north-south path from the entrance gate to the bench had been quoted for 1.2m width but could be widened to 1.3 -1.4m and still remain straight, with parallel edges for an additional £100. A wider path would be impossible in view of the established vegetation and graves. The east-west path length could be extended by 10m at a cost of £180. It was proposed by Cllr Brooman, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour to endorse the proposals and approve the additional cost. Work on the paths should start on 15 March. Work on the trees will start on 2 March; Cllr Hinton will notify residents at the Old School and at 26 Cumberland Gardens of the date. Cllr Harvey had carried a playing field inspection on 19 January; the clerk had spoken to a resident who will possibly remove the discarded/damaged benches left under bushes. New benches should be installed in March/April. Concrete surrounds at each end of the castle mound and slide have become exposed on both slopes and will be re-covered using spoil from the cemetery once transport can be arranged. Worn upper slats will be cut away to remove sharp edges as recommended in ROSPA report. Covid-19 mitigation warning signs are present at both entrances. Hedging/bushes have been removed at the south west corner and a basic post and wire fence installed to confirm the boundary. The litter bin in Church Lane will be removed as it is no longer suitable for use; Cllr Hinton will speak to the owner, Mr Harris.

Options for placing a new litter bin at either Cumberland Gardens or in Church Lane accesses to the linking footway (subject to SKDC agreeing to empty it) will be explored; Cllr Hinton will speak to Waste Management at SKDC.

10. Recreation Field development – business plan; installation of storage unit Cllr Harvey said that a 20ft storage unit for community groups in the village would cost £2,000 and a 40ft unit £4,000 with £240 delivery. Cllr Hinton will apply for a Sports Council grant. Cllr Hinton would liaise with Mrs Merritt (formerly Mrs Gilbert-Jupp) who had gifted the playing field land to the parish council in 1982. The unit would be unattractive to the eye and therefore screened. Cllr Goodman would like to wait for quotations for upper green fencing and outlays for the next few months to be taken into account before pressing forward with a storage unit. Cllr Harvey said that the Midsummer Festival Committee had found interim storage options for the next year from local residents. Cllr Thomas would like to meet up with Patrick Candler to see the proposal for tree planting at the top end of the playing field.

11. Update on holiday clubs

Cllr Goodman had liaised with Rachael Barratt, Emma Williams, Sharron Woodward and FOBS (Friends of Bythams School) to gauge interest in the project which could start at the end of the summer and into October half-term. Cllr Goodman will put information on Next Door.

12. Shop gifts at Christmas

Cllr Goodman reported excellent feedback; the shop gifts had been very well received and appreciated.

13. Consider purchase of dog waste bags dispenser to be located on Station Road The Councillors voted in favour of purchasing a litter bin at a cost of £294.77 exc VAT and a dog waste bag dispenser at a cost of £79 exc VAT; proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour. The bin and dispenser would be located in the vicinity of the community shop and alleviate the problem of dog waste bags being deposited in the shop’s own bin by dog walkers returning from the quarry.

14. Burial Committee matters


15. Correspondence

  • County Cllr B Adams - Covid-19 ward based data 12 January
  • NALC - online events  Invest SK
  • E-mails from resident regarding state of Morkery Wood footpaths
  • Public Sector Executive
  • NHS - social care and frontline workers’ day 5 July 2021
  • LALC- storm Christoph  Rural Services Network
  • LALC - E- news  DM Planning Support - planning lists
  • LALC- 19 January training; basic social media skills for Cllrs
  • London Hearts - defibrillators
  • LALC - donations for P Langford re website help
  • LALC - website assistance
  • LALC - fake NHS Covid-19 vaccination texts
  • Stamford and Guildhall programme
  • County Cllr B Adams - LCC supporting communities through lockdown
  • SKDC - reminder precept deadline
  • NALC- coronavirus update
  • P Langford - website help
  • LALC news
  • E-mail from resident regarding ultra fast fibre broadband - Cllr Brooman recommended the opportunity to put together a fibre broadband package which would attract people to the village; companies will look for return on investment. Cllr Hinton will liaise with the quarry developers.

16. Accounts


Barclays - interest active saver account £0.03

The following cheques were approved:

- M Cooke - reimbursement parish council laptop £549.00 [101282} - BCA Community - replacement cheque for cheque 101276 which could not be cashed £400.00 [101283] - M Cooke - reimbursement AVG for laptop £74.99 [101284] - Snowbird - upper green Christmas tree £120.00 [101285]

Cllr Hinton will arrange a meeting with a Co-op bank manager as soon as face to face meetings are allowed in order to discuss switching the parish council account from Barclays to the Co-op Bank.

17. Councillors’ verbal reports

- Cllr Harvey said that Richard Kent had opened the sluice gate at appropriate to deal with recent heavy rain falls. - Cllr Goodman said that the Midsummer Festival Committee had taken the decision to cancel the 2021 Festival in view of the risk still posed by Covid-19. Bonfire Night will go ahead on 7 November. Cllr Goodman had been surprised when a local shop had forwarded comments to a landowner on a planning application. - Cllr Thomas asked whether the LALC survey could be completed by individual Councillors; Cllr Hinton replied that LALC were looking for as many people as possible to take the survey. - Cllr Hayward mentioned the defective LED on the Station Road speed reactive sign; Cllr Hinton said that the fault had been reported to LCC. - Cllr Brooman asked whether flood signs to place at strategic areas during heavy rain falls could be purchased; Cllr Hinton will explore costs.