July 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2021
Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Brooman (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Farley, Goodman, Harvey, Hayward, McLaughlin, Thomas, Webber
County Cllr B Adams

1.Declarations of interest
2.Approve minutes 16 June 2021
The notes of the meeting held on 16 June were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour.
3.Matters arising 
4.County Council matters
LCC Highways best practice study - Cllr Hinton will be kept informed.
5.District Council matters 
6.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllrs Brooman and Thomas had carried out a site visit for application S21/1284 and reported that the proposal would have little impact on neighbouring properties.
Discharge of conditions had been applied for New Inn, Station Road - application S21/1419 for which the Parish Council did not need to be consulted.
The appeal had been dismissed for application S20/2095, land at Morkery Lane.
Some trees had been removed during construction by Oakwood Homes on Holywell Road – Planning Officer Peter Lifford will be contacted about any conditions attached.
The Planning Group will keep a watch on any future development behind The Priory on Station Road.
SKDC have granted planning permission to the following applications:
S21/1071 - Riverside Barn, 6A Glen Road
S21/0876 - 30 Bytham Heights
7.Planning Applications
 S21/1284 - Mr and Mrs Pridgeon. Proposed porch extension and external alterations. 36 Cumberland Gardens, Castle Bytham. The Councillors supported this application.
8.Approve expenditure of up to £200 for replacement defibrillator battery
The approval of the £192.53 cost for the replacement defibrillator battery   was proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Goodman and unanimously approved.
9.Ratify purchase of two sets defibrillator pads
The £114 purchase cost for two sets of defibrillator pads was unanimously approved by the Councillors.
10.Discuss funding for purchase additional defibrillator to be located at community shop
Deferred until the August meeting.

11.Approve amended draft Report on Church Lane for submission to SKDC/LCC
The Councillors unanimously approved the draft report on Church Lane prepared by Cllr Hinton in order to have the Church Lane adopted; the School House residents had been consulted and had given their approval of the report. Cllr Hinton will prepare a covering letter before submitting the report to SKDC and LCC.
12.Fibre Broadband project
Cllr Brooman had received 70 responses from residents and was awaiting a reply from LCC Online Lincolnshire. The Councillors gave their approval for Cllr Brooman to approach 10 to 12 ISP providers on behalf of residents.
13.Projects for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 including: a) installation of a fire beacon; b) financial support for street parties; c) permanent memorial options; d) commemorative items for children
The Councillors will give some thought to projects for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and costs will be considered when setting next year’s precept. Cllr McLaughlin suggested encouraging street parties in June 2022.
14.Amenities Working Group report - approve cost of replacement swing seats; cost angle plates
Cllr Webber said that a volunteer fence painting event had been carried out at the cemetery; a letter of thanks will be sent to a resident who had taken part. It was agreed to purchase a second 5 litre paint tin at a cost of £67; Cllr Hinton had purchased the first tin and it was agreed to reimburse Cllr Hinton for the cost. Cllr Hayward will have another key cut for the cemetery shed.  Playing field: Cllr Harvey carried out a site inspection on 21 July 21 and found the area generally in good condition.  Garden Furniture: new benches were now in place, one by the swings, one by the slide, and the three Picnic Tables under the new permanent wooden gazebo. These three will shortly be fixed to the concrete base. The remaining broken bench will be removed.  Swings and See-saw were generally in reasonable condition. Swing area base surfaces were stable and clean. The small gap between four tiles has not increased and presents no current risk. Cllr Hinton has replaced the old anti-pigeon spikes with more modern alternatives. New swing seats have been ordered; the Councillors approved the cost of £130 before VAT; the clerk will find out the date for their delivery. Trees: Michael Wright is monitoring the ground area around the newly planted trees and mowing when appropriate. No current issues with most of the established trees, although the large tree with three main trunks situated between the slide mound and the play wall will have to be assessed professionally as the northern-most branches have no foliage and appear to be dead. Castle Mound and slide: rear end fencing post remains secure. Soil has now been placed over the two concrete tunnel surrounds previously noted. Worn upper slats still to be cut away to remove sharp edges, as recommended in the ROSPA report. Swing gate to footpath in the western end is in good repair. The main pedestrian gate from Glen Road has a vertical lever which fits into a post-mounted angled latch. The latter is still missing and needs to be replaced. Cllr Harvey said that no supplier could be found to obtain a similar closing mechanism - it was agreed to use the latch from the vehicle gate and place it on the pedestrian gate; a bolt will be placed on the vehicle gate instead. Goal posts remained secure and offered no risk. Covid 19 mitigation warning signs were present at both entrances. Outstanding issues, not yet addressed, arising from last year’s ROSPA report: most considered low risk issues - add further ownership and dog “ban” signs around the play area. Fencing at southern boundary – clerk will notify SKDC of ROSPA’s comments as the fence belongs to them. Play wall bolt caps: still needed to be replaced; ROSPA recommended that a “Do not climb” warning sign should be fitted on this structure. 
 Slide mound fencing: Cllr Hinton will remove the decayed slats.
 Cllr Hinton had obtained angle plates to secure new furniture to concrete bases.
15.Letter from a resident regarding tree work at the cemetery
Cllr Hinton will reply to the resident to explain that a professional survey will be carried out on the field maple causing concern.
16.Recreation Field development 
Cllr Hinton was preparing application for two potential grants. The Playing field business plan will be shared with residents interested in the project and posted on the PC website.
17.Burial Committee matters 
Letter from a resident regarding future planning behind The Priory, Station Road
Stamford and Guildhall programme.
SBA – confirmation receipt of AGAR
DM Planning support weekly lists
Rural Services Network
Stamford Arts Centre cinema programme
Lincolnshire Police letter
Community Speed watch training dates
YMCA Lincolnshire
LCC town and parish council newsletters
E-mail from resident regarding litter picking equipment
E-mail from resident regarding overhanging tree branch from garden onto playing field
Public Sector Executive
LALC e-news
Parish Online 
Citizens Advice Bureau
Dr Ray – letter in support of 2nd defibrillator
Resident regarding development adjacent to The Priory 
ROSPA – order confirmation
Letter from Secretary of State for Housing
PSE Online
Thank you letter from resident regarding update received on Station Road quarry housing development
19.Change of bank account from Barclays to Unity Bank: a) appointment of four signatories; b) discuss cash amount to be put in reserve
The clerk will implement the switch from Barclays to Unity Bank where a current and a savings account will be opened. It was proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Thomas to place £4000 in the savings account - the Councillors were unanimously in favour. Cllrs Brooman, Harvey, Hayward, Hinton and McLaughlin agreed to become signatories on the Unity Bank accounts.
The following cheques were approved:
- N Allsopp - VAT on oak wood purchase for cemetery markers £33.75 [101322]
- RJL Builders - gazebo £2000.00 [101323]
- Imperative Training - 2 sets defibrillator pads £114.00 [101324]
- RJL Builders - gazebo £2060.52 [101325]
- Age UK - Men in Sheds picnic tables and benches £510.00 [101326]
- AD Vernon - transport picnic tables and benches £120.00 [101327]
- M Wright - mowing £266.00 [101328]
- LALC - Chairman training £54.00 [101329]
- Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing £189.60 [101330]
- P Hinton - reimbursement defibrillator replacement battery £192.53 [101331]
21.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr McLaughlin had taken on the Community Speed Watch project and prepared posters to be displayed on notice boards and Glenside News.
Cllr Thomas announced her retirement from the Parish Council.
Cllr Hayward had suffered a fall in Water Lane due to rain water hiding a pothole.