June 2021 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2021



Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllrs Goodman, Harvey, Hayward, McLaughlin, Thomas, Webber


Cllr Brooman, Cllr Farley, County Cllr B Adams

In attendance

District Cllr Penny Robbins, Internal Auditor Mr Geoff Booth, four members of the public


  1. Declarations of interest


  1. Minutes 19 May 2021

The notes of the 19 May 2021 meeting were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Thomas, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.

  1. Matters arising


  1. Audit

Mr Geoff Booth, Internal Auditor, had completed the Internal Audit and presented his report on reconciliation of income and expenditure, bank reconciliation, variance analysis, report on other risk areas, fixed assets. Cllr Goodman asked for additional wording stating that the small business grant from SKDC had been allocated to the cemetery fund. The AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) 2020/21 was unanimously approved by the Parish Council and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Parish Council will request a limited assurance review from PKF Littlejohn, External Auditors as gross income exceeded £25,000. The AGAR will be published on the Parish Council’s website and displayed on the notice boards.

The Councillors expressed their grateful thanks to Geoff Booth who will be stepping down as Internal Auditor after over twenty years.

  1. Annual accounts

The annual accounts 2020/21 were unanimously approved; the receipt and payment book was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

  1. County Council matters


  1. District Council matters

District Cllr Penny Robbins gave her report - Grantham Leisure Centre was under new management. Covid Lateral Flow Tests were now widely available. Most staff were still working from home and a cautious approach was applied regarding return to the office.

  1. Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group

Cllr Thomas said that neighbours had been informed with regard to application 21/1110, 52 Glen Road and that the Planning Working Group saw no objections to the application. The Planning Working Group had no objections to application S21/1071, Riverside, 6A Glen Road. Cllr McLaughlin had spoken to Phil Jordan, SKDC Planning Officer responsible for application S19/2160, Plots A and B at The Old Quarry, Station Road - SKDC had taken the decision to resubmit the application so that Section 106 could be reconsidered and policies in the new Local Plan to 2036 applied to the application. Mr Jordan thought that there were no issues for the Parish Council to comment on. The number of houses on the application was correct, with 18 dwellings in Plot A and 63 in Plot B. The application will be heard at SKDC Planning Committee on 24 June; Cllr Hinton will register to attend the meeting but will not speak.

  1. Planning Applications
  1. S19/2160 - Dr Dallas Burston. Outline planning application in respect of up to 81 dwellings across Plots A and B with details of vehicular accesses off Station Road, the provision of landscaping and open space, new internal highways, car and cycle parking, sustainable drainage system and provision of utilities infrastructure. The Parish had no comments to return to SKDC.B) S21/1071 - Mr and Mrs H Pepper. Erection of single storey extension on south elevation. Riverside Barn, 6A Glen Road, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no objections to this application. C) S21/1110 - Mr Chris Lamb. New Front Entrance Porch, Single Storey Kitchen Extension. 52 Glen Road, Castle Bytham.  The Councillors had no objections to this application.

SKDC granted planning permission to the following applications:

S21/0479 Rectory Farm, 26 Glen Road - installation of air source heat pump

S21/0743 7 Counthorpe Lane - tree work

S21/0654 43 Station Road - reserved matters for 6 plots

S21/0854 Brook House, 9 Counthorpe Lane - tree work

S21/0908 Rectory Farm, 26 Glen Road - tree work

S21/0845 Pineview, Holywell Road - non-material amendment

S21/0797 20 Station Road - extension

  1. Amenities Working Group report – Men in Sheds invoice; playing field grass cutting frequency

Cllr Webber presented the report of the Amenities Working Group meeting held on 9 June 2021 with Cllrs Farley, Harvey, Hayward, Hinton and Webber present. Cllr Webber was re-elected to chair AWG.

Cemetery markers had been installed, but in the original location; the intention being to move them to the front of the in use section to ensure new graves are correctly aligned.  Nigel Allsopp will resubmit his invoice for the manufacture of the new posts due to not recording VAT on original invoice. The new litter bin has been delivered and will be located at the cemetery gate. The weekend of 10th 11th July was proposed for cemetery fence painting.  Cllr Hinton will put in request to close footpath; volunteers will be needed and purchase of more paint and refreshments for volunteers requested. Research was to start on ground improvements.  Cllr Hinton will supply names of companies to be approached regarding this project.  Thanks were expressed to Cllr McLaughlin and Cllr Hinton for their work on the preparation of document to be presented to Highways regarding the status of Church Lane.  AWG will review the draft when it is ready.  Upper Green replacement posts and rails - Cllr Hayward had been contacting contractors to get quotes for work, details to be submitted to the Parish Council when these have been collated. Recreation Ground – Cllr Harvey had carried out a visual inspection on 9th June 2021and found the area generally in good condition. Picnic Benches - no change. One broken bench still remains in the field to be disposed of.  New benches will hopefully be installed in June/July. Swings and See-saw - generally in reasonable condition. Swing area base surfaces in generally good condition: stable and clean. The small gap between four tiles had not increased and presented no current risk. Three anti – pigeon spike sections had disappeared and needed replacement.  One seat was showing wear, with cracks - The AWG recommended purchasing two new swing seats - on agenda at the July meeting.

Trees - no current issues with established trees.  The area covering the 85 new saplings had just been mowed for the second time by Michael Wright. He had left this work for 3 weeks since the last mowing, and felt that ideally, he should have done it a little earlier. He will now check the growth every two weeks and take a pragmatic approach. Most of the saplings were now growing, with the exception of those nearest the conifer tree line along the northern edge, where the moisture levels were probably lower. Castle Mound and slide- rear end fencing post remained secure. Soil had now been placed over the two concrete tunnel surrounds previously noted as exposed. Worn upper slats still to be cut away to remove sharp edges, as recommended in the 2020 ROSPA report. The swing gate to the footpath beyond the castle mound remained in good repair. The main pedestrian gate from Glen Road has a vertical lever which fits into a post-mounted angled latch. The latter was still missing and needed to be replaced. Goal posts remained secure and offered no risk. Covid 19 mitigation warning signs were present at both entrances. Work had commenced on laying the base for the new Gazebo structure. The area (approx. 8 x 6 metres) had been dug out and a concrete base put down. The ROSPA annual inspection was due in August - clerk to send purchase order to ROSPA.  The displaced topsoil had been used to cover the area adjacent to the Gazebo base to allow pushchair/wheel chair access and will be seeded when work complete. The new benches were ready for collection and tables were due to be finished by end of week.  Cllr Farley will arrange collection; Cllr Hayward will confirm suitable collection date and time. Cllr Hinton will procure angle brackets to secure the tables to the gazebo base. The AWG recommended leaving mowing schedule as it currently stood, every two weeks. Michael Wright will be asked to strim the rear of the mound.

Other areas - Trevor Harris had been helping Michael with some tasks. Cllr Hayward and the Clerk will ascertain if this arrangement needs to be made more formal. Michael Wright has tidied around Station Road bus stop and speed signs. Cllr Hayward will speak to Michael to request that this month he concentrates on more central areas including area to left, when leaving Cumberland Gardens; Cllr Hayward had done an initial cut of verge at entrance to Cumberland Gardens. Additional stock of dog waste bags has been ordered. Cllr Hinton will write to property owner at corner of Bytham Heights regarding bushes/trees that were obstructing the view of traffic at the junction on to Clipsham Road.

  1. Recreation Field development 

Cllr Hinton invited the Councillors to comment on the Draft Business Plan. A resident had expressed an interest to take part in discussions regarding the future of the playing field.

  1. Burial Committee matters  


  1. Correspondence
  1. SKDC - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee beacons
  2. Rural Services Network bulletins
  3. Stamford Arts Centre and Grantham Guildhall programme
  4. SKDC - community awards 2021
  5. LALC  E-News
  6. LCC - Community Speedwatch volunteer training dates
  7. Lincolnshire Carers Service - professional briefing
  8. Discover South Kesteven
  9. LCC - bus services updates
  10. Resident - family picnic

14. Accounts  

The following cheques were approved:

N Allsopp - cemetery markers £185.00 [101309]

P Hinton - reimbursement deposit payment cemetery markers £200.00 [101310]

CB Children’s Activities - S137 donation toward family picnic £150.00 [101311]

Age UK - benches deposit £510.00 [101312]

Dunster House Ltd - gazebo £3824.99 [101313]

Anglian Water - cemetery £13.05 [101314]

RJL Ltd - gazebo base deposit £1000 [101315]

Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing £123.60 [101316]

JRB Enterprise - dog waste bags £71.10 [101317]

TC Harris - strimming £75.00 [101319]

M Wright - mowing £266.00 [101320]

N Allsopp - VAT on wood purchase for cemetery markers £33.75 [101322]

RJL Ltd - gazebo base £2000.00 [101323]

Imperative Training Ltd - defibrillator pads x 2 sets £114.00 [101324]

Cheque 101318 was cancelled and replaced by cheque 101323

Cheque 101321 was cancelled and replaced by cheque 101322

15. Councillors’ verbal reports

Cllr Goodman said that the Midsummer Festival Committee’s next event would be Bonfire Night. Events were planned in 2022 for the Battle of Bytham Anniversary. Grant funding will be sought for children’s clubs and activities for older children.

Cllr McLaughlin enquired about access and use of the defibrillator; Cllr Goodman said that anyone could use it and would need to ring 999 for the access code - Cllr Goodman offered to check the defibrillator monthly.

Cllr Hinton said that he had asked the organisers of the family picnic to have invoices for the toilet hire and 1st responder to be made out to the PC. The picnic will take place at a new date as Covid restrictions were no longer being lifted on 21 June.

Cllr Hayward said that rubbish near a house in Glen Road had diminished.

Cllr Webber said that Tim Smith had expressed disappointment with the PC for lack of recognition for his volunteer work and lack of acknowledgement of his quote for the cemetery paths - the Clerk confirmed that she had written to Tim in February regarding the latter.

Cllr Hinton said that the cost of a storage unit for the playing field had increased from £1800 to £3500 and that its purchase would be postponed.