April 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2021

Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Brooman, Goodman, Hayward, Thomas, Webber.
In attendance
County Cllr B Adams, three members of the public.
Cllr Farley, Cllr McLaughlin

The meeting was conducted using Zoom IT conferencing facility in line with advice from the National Association of Local Councils. 

1.Declarations of interest
2.Approve minutes 17 March 2021
The notes of the meeting held on 17 March 2021 were approved as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Goodman, all in favour. 
3.Matters arising 
Cllr Webber confirmed that John Turner’s insurance was in place for the cemetery fence repair work and use of The Old School’s power supply.
4.County Council matters
County Cllr B Adams said that the Council was in limbo prior to the 6 May elections. No update had been received regarding flooding in Water Lane; the contract with Balfour Beatty was not achieving its aims and penalties would be imposed for bad repair. A complaint will be sent to Rowan Smith, LCC Highways.
5.District Council matters 
County Cllr Adams, acting District Cllr, said that a Design Supplementary Document was being produced. Local government reorganisation was going forward with the aim of sharing services. Cllr Thomas thanked Cllr Adams for his help with the Water Lane situation.
6.SKDC’s consultation on the Draft Statement of Community Involvement 
The comments from the Parish Council were sent on 18 March 2021.
7.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
S21/0439 - 16 Water Lane. Cllr Thomas and Mclaughlin carried out a site visit to this application.
This was a side extension and garage extension on Water Lane. The Garage will extend to be part of the house and there will be no garage in the new extended house. The planning sub group supported this application but recommended that the contractors engaged in the building work park with consideration of all users of the village.
S21/0508 - 5 Counthorpe Lane.This was a minor amendment of S19/0421 which has already been approved. This amendment was actually a reduction in the size of the original extension, and a minor change of the garage with the removal of window. The planning sub group supported this application
S21/0479 - 26 Glen Road. This was a move of an ASHP from one side of the site to the other. The only consideration and concern were the noise levels created by the ASHP. On the specification it was listed at around 37db at 6m which was below normal conversation level, however this could end up running 20+ hours a day in winter.  The Planning Working Group suggested that if the unit type changes from the one listed, that the support was reconsidered depending on the new noise levels. The Planning Working Group supported this application.
S21/0654 - Reserved Matters for 6 plots at 43 Station Road. The Planning Working Group (all three) met with the developer, Paul Morris (also a parish councillor from Greatford) to discuss the application. The Planning Working Group reviewed the elevations and designs as well as the material suggestions and scale.  The Councillors were all reassured by the open approach that the applicant is taking and their desire to engage early and so willingly with the Parish. The main considerations were around the disruption and safety of the parish and visitors to the village whilst the construction was ongoing. The applicant said they plan to use one of the plots as the site compound during construction, minimizing the volume of vehicles parked on the main road. The Planning Working Group raised concerns around damage to the footpath and road, and to dirt created on the road during construction. The importance of keeping the road clear to allow children and adults to cross safety to the south bound bus stop was also discussed. A concern was raised around the retention or improvement of the existing street lighting and this should be taken into consideration when the Officers look at the application.  The Planning Working Group was also concerned to see the idea to re-use the existing wicker fencing, and felt that this may not be suitable due to the current state of repair of this fencing. It was also pointed out that people regularly use the plots to access the quarry, and so safety is important when considering site boundary control. Finally, the Planning Working Group expected the village shop to submit their view as they are an independent body and neither part of, nor represented by the Parish Council.The Planning Working Group group has asked Cllr Bob Adams to clarify the demands of a self-build as this is evidently no longer a self-build plot.
8.Planning Applications
A) S21/0439 - Mr Stephen Purvis. Erection of side extension and garage conversion. Old Bramley, 16 Water Lane, Castle Bytham. The Parish Council supported this application and recommended that the contractors engaged in the building work park with consideration of all users of the village.
B) S21/0508 - Mr J Ellis and Mrs C Lawson. Section 73 Application to vary condition 2 of S19/0421 (Approved Plans). Garage window omitted and rear extension omitted with existing bay retained and extended. 5 Counthorpe Lane, Castle Bytham.The Parish Council supported this application. C) S21/0479 - Mr and Mrs Buik. Installation of air source heat pump. Rectory Farm, 26 Glen Road, Castle Bytham. The  application was for a move of an ASHP from one side of the site to the other; the only consideration and concern was the noise levels created by the ASHP which was listed on the specification at around 37db at 6m which was below normal conversation level, however this could end up running 20+ hours a day in winter; the Parish Council suggested that if the unit type changed from the one listed, that the support was reconsidered depending on the new noise levels. D) S20/2095 - Planning Appeal. Land at Morkery Lane. Demolition of an existing under-utilised barn in favour of the erection of a 3 bedroom, self-build modular dwelling on previously developed land - the Parish Council will not be sending additional representation to that already made. E) S21/0654 - Mr P Morriss. Reserved Matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to S18/2381 (Outline permission for residential development for self-build or custom build housing comprising 6 plots with all matters reserved). 43 Station Road, Castle Bytham. The Parish Council will send their comments to SKDC once clarification on the demands of a self build has been received from Cllr B Adams as the application is no longer a self build plot.
SKDC has granted planning permission to the following planning applications:
S21/0194 - The Bytham Stud, Morkery Lane
S21/0379 - Red Barn House, 8 Glen Road
S21/0382 - 6 St Martins
S21/0314 - 26 Cumberland Gardens; tree work
SKDC has refused planning permission to application S21/2150 - new chalet bungalow; Land Adjacent to Pineview, Holywell Road.
9.Amenities Working Group report – cemetery paths; cemetery fencing; discuss purchase of litter bin for the cemetery; consider quotation for grave alignment markers; upper green fencing; playing field
Cllr Webber said that good reports had been received regarding the new cemetery paths but that the existing damaged Church Lane road surface had been made worse by the contractor during work on the paths; Cllr Hinton will contact Bespoke and forward photographs of the road surface prior to the works. Insurance was in place for the contractor carrying out cemetery fence repair. It was proposed by Cllr Hayward, seconded by Cllr Webber, all in favour, to purchase a Glasdon litter bin to be placed at the entrance of the cemetery at a cost of around £350 inc VAT. A quote for cemetery grave alignment markers will be submitted at the May meeting.  Upper Green fencing options was still a work in progress.
Playing field - Cllr Harvey carried out an inspection on 18th April 2021and found the area generally in good condition.  Picnic Benches - no change. One broken bench still remains in the field and needs to be removed. New benches are planned to be installed in May 2021. Swings and See-saw - generally in good condition. Swing area base surfaces in generally good condition: stable and clean. The small gap between four tiles has not increased and presents no current risk. Three anti – pigeon spike sections have been removed (cut cable ties left on ground) and need replacement.  All seat bolts are to be tightened, and seats cleaned, by beginning of May. Trees - no current issues with established trees. 85 new saplings have been planted near the north-east corner of the Field. This area should be considered for a separate mowing schedule from the rest of the field. Michael Wright will carry out a mowing and decide whether he wishes to add this task to his schedule.  Castle Mound and slide - rear end fencing post remains secure. As last reported: concrete surrounds at each end of the narrow tunnel (previously filled in) have become exposed on both slopes and require re-covering. Spoil may still be available in the cemetery: need to arrange for transportation and appropriate positioning and securing on the mound. Worn upper slats to be cut away to remove sharp edges, as recommended in the ROSPA report. Swing gate to footpath beyond “castle” mound and the gate at the main entrance remain in good repair.  Goal posts remained secure and offered no risk.  Covid 19 mitigation warning signs were present at both entrances. The mowing schedule needed to be reviewed. The field was mown recently just after a snowfall and the ground was frozen. This mowing had been entirely unnecessary, taking place just two weeks after the previous cutting, and totally inappropriate given the frozen state of the grass. On inspection later that day it was apparent that, given the ground conditions, the grass had not, in fact, been cut but simply flattened. Clerk to write to ‘Streetwise’ who carry out the mowing.
10.Recreation Field development;
A.Discuss summer party possible dates and financial contribution. The clerk will write to Emma Williams to extend an invitation to the May meeting in order to present to the Councillors the funding case for Parish Council Funding Support for the upcoming Community Family Picnic.
B.Approve plan for Picnic Shelter and storage ISO on Recreation Field (using Lottery Grant). Cllr Hinton had received one quote for the building of a base for a gazebo; Cllr Thomas suggested that specifications should be clear when putting out to tender for further quotes. No decision was made on the funding for an ISO.
11.Purchase of additional litter picking equipment
The Councillors agreed against the purchase of additional litter picking equipment.
12.Children’s Holiday Club - summer 2021
Cllr Goodman said that the £6500 funding bid had been refused because the Parish Council had recently received a grant from the Lottery for Community Assets for the playing field. The cost of the Holiday Club was £1900 per week for three weeks; £1500 for the Holiday Club organisers and £400 for village hall hire, refreshments etc. Cllr Hinton will research other sources of funding. Expressions of interest for the summer holiday club had been received for around 30 children; Cllr Webber suggested contacting the school to find out whether they were planning to organise any summer activities.
13.Insurance renewal - additional risk assessments
Zurich had sent the insurance renewal schedule. Additional risk assessments will be written for any volunteer or contractor activity.
14.Burial Committee matters  
Zurich Insurance - renewal schedule
PKF Littlejohn - audit 2020/21
SKDC - notices of poll 
LALC e-news
LCC town and parish council newsletter
TNL Community fund
E-mail from resident regarding the state of Church Lane road surface
E-mail from residents regarding cemetery markers and grave alignment
E- mail from resident regarding the playing field proposed ground shelter
LCC- community wildlife grant
E-mail form Streetwise - playing field mowing following the planting of saplings
Citizens Advice - EU settlement scheme support team
Citizens Advice - helping to alleviate fuel poverty in south Lincolnshire
J Hubbard - Finding Fitness; children summer holiday club
Lincolnshire lowland search and rescue - donation request
Calor rural community fund
Rural services network newsletter
SKDC DM Planning support - weekly planning lists
National Association of Civic Officers newsletter
Stamford and Guildhall programme
YMCA Community Lincs news and updates
SKDC Legal Department - registration of public owned land
Bespoke Landscaping - cemetery paths £2080.00 [101298]
LCC - 6x 30mph signs £60.00 [101299]
M Wright -mowing £106.00 [101300]
Streetwise - playing field mowing £124.80 [101301]
P Candler - reimbursement playing field tree stakes £366.00 [101302]
17.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr Brooman will e-mail his report on fibre broadband after the meeting.