May 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2021


Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Brooman (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Goodman,Harvey,  Hayward, McLaughlin, Thomas, Webber

In attendance

County Cllr B Adams, 3 members of the public


Cllr Farley



  1. Declarations of interest


  1. Approve minutes 21 April 2021

The notes of the meeting held on 21 April 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.

  1. Matters arising


  1. County Council matters

County Cllr Adams has spoken to Martin Hill and Richard Davies regarding Highways issues; a first meeting of the highways scrutiny meeting was soon to take place; recommendations would be made regarding changes in terms of speed regulations. Potholes were an ongoing problem; Balfour Beatty’s contract had been granted in 2020 for a 10 year duration but could be reviewed. Lincolnshire had not been considered for future unitary authorities; county and district councils will form their own groups and share services. Cllr Adams will find out the correspondence status regarding the conditions attached to application S20/1381, which had not yet been implemented.

  1. District Council matters

Penny Robbins has been elected District Councillor for Glen Ward.

  1. Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group

Cllr McLaughlin said that clarification had been obtained regarding application S21/0654, pursuant to S18/2381 ‘self build’ label - the latter was a description and not a technical term; the developer was keen to liaise with the parish council. The Planning Working Group had no objections to the application. The Planning Working Group had made a site visit for application S21/0797; the applicant and a neighbour had resolved an issue regarding a proposed window - the Planning Working Group had no objections to the application. Cllr McLaughlin did not report on S21/0876 because of a conflict of interest; Cllr Brooman said that the application retained the existing foundation and that the Planning Working Group had no objections to the application. Planning Working Group had no objections to applications S21/0908 and S21/0854.

  1. Planning Applications
  1. S21/0654 - Mr P Morriss. Reserved Matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to S18/2381 (Outline permission for residential development for self-build or custom build housing comprising 6 plots with all matters reserved). 43 Station Road, Castle Bytham.The Councillors had no objections to this application.  B)S21/0797 - Mr K Milne. Erection of a two storey rear and single storey front extension. 20 Station Road, Castle Bytham .The Councillorshad no objections to this application C) S21/0876 - Mr Prior. First floor extension over garage and garage conversion. Resubmission of S20/0480. 30 Bytham Heights, Castle Bytham.The Councillors had no objections to this application  D) S21/0908 - Mr B Buik. 2 x beech trees to be reduced down to height of low stone wall. Rectory Farm, 26 Glen Road, Castle Bytham.The Councillors had no objections to this application  E) S21/0854 - Mrs Hannah Moody. Fell 3 x pine and 1 x rowan. Brook House, 9 Counthorpe Lane, Castle Bytham.The Councillors had no objections to this application.

SKDC has given planning permission to the following applications:

S21/0654 - 43 Station Road; reserved matters pursuant to S18/2381. Self-build or custom build housing comprising 6 plots.

S21/0743 - 7 Counthorpe Lane; tree work

S21/0479 - Rectory Farm, 26 Glen Road; installation of air source heat pump

S21/0508 - 5 Counthorpe Lane; section 73 application to vary condition 2 of S19/0421

S21/0639 - Mill House, 41 Gle Road; tree work

S21/0439 - Old Bramley, 16 Water Lane; side extension and garage conversion

S19/2094 - The Old Quarry, Station Road; section 73 application to vary condition 11(relating to SSSI working method statement) of planning permission S17/1134 (for 87 dwellings)

  1. Amenities Working Group report – cemetery fencing; consider quotation for grave alignment markers

The cemetery fencing repair work has been completed; quotations for repainting the fence will be sought. The £385 quotation for grave alignment markers was accepted - proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour. A litter bin for the cemetery had been ordered. Cllr Hinton would continue to press for Church Lane to be classed as an urban footway rather than a footpath; Cllr McLaughlin will carry out a Land Registry search to establish The Old School’s curtilage. Cllr Hayward will obtain quotations for installing new posts at the Upper Green.

Cllr Harvey carried out an inspection of the playing field on 12 May - the area was generally in good condition. Picnic Benches: one broken bench still remains in the field. New benches will hopefully be installed in June/July - it was proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour to confirm the approval to purchase new benches from Men in Sheds at a cost of £1020. The swings and see-saw were generally in good condition. Swing area base surfaces in generally good condition : stable and clean. The small gap between four tiles has not increased and presented no current risk. Three anti – pigeon spike sections had disappeared and needed replacement.  All seat bolts appeared tightened, and the seats should be cleaned by the end of May. Trees - there were no current issues with established trees.The area covering the 85 new saplings had been mowed by  Michael Wright in just over an hour; Michael will from now on mow this new tree area every 3 or 4 weeks.74 of the saplings appeared to have survived the recent frosts. Castle Mound and slide - rear end fencing post remained secure. As last report : concrete surrounds at each end of the narrow tunnel (previously filled in) have become exposed on both slopes and will require re-covering. Spoil may still be available in the cemetery : need to arrange for transportation and appropriate positioning and securing on the mound. Worn upper slats to be cut away to remove sharp edges, as recommended in the ROSPA report. Swing gate to footpath beyond “castle” mound remained in good repair. The main pedestrian gate from Glen Road has a vertical lever which fits into a post-mounted angled latch. The latter was now missing and the gate cannot therefore be closed. Goal posts remain secure and offer no risk. Covid 19 mitigation warning signs present at both entrances. Cllr Harvey thought that the fortnightly grass cutting schedule was not necessary - clerk to contact Streetwise to ask whether the parish council could switch to a three-weekly cycle.

  1. Recreation Field development 

Cllr Hinton had circulated a draft business plan, which will be uploaded to the website for residents to comment on it until September before it is adopted by the parish council. Two quotations had been obtained for a gazebo base and will be circulated to the Councillors - Cllr Hinton will choose one of the quotations and give permission for work to start. The cost of an ISO had increased and it was agreed to delay its purchase.

  1. Request for financial contribution towards July family picnic

The Councillors agreed to pay the invoices for toilet hire at a cost of £224, St John’s Ambulance at a cost of £124 and to forward a cheque of £150 to the organisers for the event  insurance. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour.

  1. Broadband Community Fibre Partnership

Cllr Brooman said that the scheme had been advertised in Glenside News, Facebook, Next Door and that 31 people had expressed an interest. A leaflet will be distributed to every house.

  1. Internet banking

Cllr Hinton suggested switching from Barclays to Unity Bank and bank electronically; the Councillors were all in favour.

  1. Insurance renewal

It was agreed to renew the insurance with Zurich at a cost of £741.26 ; proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.

  1. Request for financial assistance from Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue

The request did not fit in with S137 donation guidelines.

  1. Burial Committee matters  


  1. Correspondence
  1. Resident regarding two traffic incidences with Oakwood Homes construction vehicles
  2. LALC E-news
  3. Keep Britain Tidy
  4. Zeta specialist lighting
  5. Rural services network
  6. Best kept village competition
  7. Village hall committee - resuming parish council meetings at the village hall
  8. SKDC weekly planning lists
  9. LCC - Church Lane
  10. Stamford and Guildhall programme
  11. Emma Williams - community family picnic
  12. Invest SK
  13. Public sector executive
  14. YMCA Community Lincs newsletter
  1. Accounts


SKDC Community Cleaner Grant £231.66 [BACS] 

The following cheques were approved:

- Glasdon - cemetery litter bin £353.72

- Zurich - insurance £741.26

- Streetwise Environmental - playing field mowing £226.80

- M Wright - mowing £216.00

  1. Councillors’ verbal reports

Cllr McLaughlin will apply a coat of  Sandolin on the Station Road bus shelter.