Minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2024
Cllr Brooman (Chairman), Cllr McLaughlin (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Dugmore, Goode, Lee, Sismey-Durrant
In attendance
County Cllr C Vernon, District Cllr P Robins
Cllr Hayward
1.Declarations of interest
Cllr Sismey-Durrant declared an interest with regard to item7B.
2.Approve minutes 20 November 2024
The record of the meeting held on 20 November 2024 was approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Dugmore, seconded by Cllr Sismey-Durrant
3.Matters arising
All matters arising were on the agenda.
4.County Council matters
Cllr Vernon said that LCC had made a good job on repair to Water Lane road surface; should the repairs fail during a designated time frame, LCC would carry out further work. The issue of parking/waiting restrictions in the High Street near the Castle Inn was undergoing further consultation. Nominations were sought for the Good Citizen Award in the community. A Community Repaint scheme was now operational - half used paint tins can be dropped off so that they can be picked and used by other people.
5.District Council matters
Cllr Robins presented her report - Grantham’s new Customer Service Centre, underneath the main Council Offices at the ‘picture house’ has been officially opened and is up and running. This facility is a vast improvement on the last, and a positive asset to both the council staff and customers. There are also customer service points at the Bourne Corn Exchange on Mon/Wed/Fri and there is a self-service access point at Stamford Arts Centre. The MOD are holding drop-in sessions for the public in relation to the proposed major development project at The Prince William of Gloucester Barracks, and the first drop in dates will be Friday 22nd November, 4pm to 7.30pm and on Saturday the 23rd, 10am to 2pm at Grantham Cricket Club, Gorse Lane, Grantham, NG31 7UE. The MOD are looking at vacating the whole site with Army personnel with a target date by 2028. There is discussion around removal of trees and hopefully a compromise will be reached especially with all the central government Bio-diversity guidelines. St Martins Park Stamford outlined Planning permission was granted in 2021 and the next stage in the planning process will see developers submit reserved matters applications early in 2025. The mixed scheme will offer premium and affordable homes ranging from 2 to 5 bedroom residential village and commercial space.
Major car park extension plans for cattle market car park in Stamford adding 146 spaces to a popular car park in Stamford which is a welcomed addition to a busy Market Town.
Finally, just a reminder the final deadline to apply for Pension Credit in order to receive the Winter Fuel Payment is the 21st December. It I currently taking approximately 6/8 weeks for the DWP to process claims.
6.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr Brooman said that application S24/1597, 8 Cumberland Gardens had been approved. Application S24/1689, 7 Heathcote Road had been re-submitted; the Parish Council was grateful to the applicants for adjusting the design to be more in keeping and pushing it back away from the road edge.
7.Planning. A) S24/1939 - Dormer Phillip Wallis. Addition of blind dormer window on East facing roof. Window to be completed in character with the house and surrounding area. Roche D’or, Water Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application.B) S24/2069 - Mr and Mrs Helen and Mark Sismey-Durrant. Non-material amendment to planning permission S23/2073 regarding alteration to roof area. The Old Vicarage, Little Bytham Road, Castle Bytham. Cllr Sismey-Durrant had declared an interest and left the room during the discussion. The Councillors had no comments on this application.
8.Amenities Working Group report - planning field annual safety inspection.
Grateful thanks were expressed to Adrian Morgan and Mr Hind who helped install the Christmas tree at the Upper Green.The barriers into the Old Quarry had been left open again.
The playing field safety inspection was deferred until January.
9.Burial Committee matters
E-mail from resident regarding mountain of soil on property between 14 and 16 Station Road
E-mail from resident regarding overhanging tree branch at the cemetery.
Rural Services bulletins
SKDC- weekly planning lists
SKDC- new trees and woodland strategy
LALC -e-news
LCC -town and parish council newsletter
E-mail from resident regarding faulty LED lights in Castlegate and Glen Road
LCC- notification temporary traffic regulations
SKDC- parish councilsneighbourhood plan; local stakeholders workshops
Rutland Local Plan - notification of pre-submission consultation
Community Speed Watch newsletter
SKDC - community orchard fund
SKDC - crime and policing survey
Aicia Kearns, MP - slides from October flood forum summit
11.Accounts - discussion on 2025/26 precept
The following payment were approved:
- RBL- Christmas tree socket upper green £275.90
- Castle Bytham Village Hall - rent £160.00
- Snowbird - upper Green Christmas tree £160.00
Precept - prior to the meeting Cllr Brooman had circulated a budget; the Councillors agreed on a 4% increase on the 2024/25 precept for the 2025/26 precept. A precept of £18,559.00 will be requested from SKDC; the Parish Band D Tax Rate will be £56.38, or 3.40% increase on the Council Tax Bill charge for 2025/26. Proposed by Cllr Brooman, seconded by Cllr Goode, all in favour.
12.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr McLaughlin will repaint the street sign at the junction of the High Street and Heathcote Road in the spring.
County Cllr C Vernon spoke as a member of the public and suggested a permanent fixture in the village to remember postman Garry; Andy Vernon would like to be involved in the project and help obtaining quotes etc. Charlotte Vernon suggested a bench at the crossroads; Garry’s family would provide a memorial plaque. The existing bench could be relocated. An article on the proposal will be published in Glenside News.
Cllr Brooman said that he had reported to SKDC building waste had been left on the side of the road in Glen Road.