February 2023 Minutes

Cllr Brooman (Chairman), Cllr McLaughlin (Vice Chairman and acting clerk), Cllrs Goode, Harvey, Hayward
Cllr Webber and the clerk
1.Declarations of Interest
2.Approval of minutes 18th January 2023 
The notes of the meeting held on 18 January 2023 were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Hayward, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.
3.Matters arising 
4.County council matters 
Report received and acknowledged
5.District Council matters 
Report received and acknowledged
6.Land ownership – Upper Green, Lower Green, Village Pump
Cllr McLaughlin reported on this , after a meeting with property manager for SKDC, it was confirmed that SKDC expected payment of £1500 in legal fees, £80 for the newspaper notice and £500 for a valuation for the transfer of the upper and lower green to the parish council.  Cllr McLaughlin is looking into a possible grant to pay for those costs.
National Grid Electricity works on the lower green – Cllr Brooman awaiting update from them about accepting responsibility for the damage to the green and the bollard
7. Planning Issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
 correspondence received about planning advice needed for parishioners improvements.  Cllr McLaughlin to email reply.  Cllr McLaughlin to draft letter to owner of barn on Swayfield Field regarding their planning intentions.  Cllr McLaughlin drafting email for potential enforcement matter on Morkery Lane.
As above
9.Risk Assessments 
 Copies of Risk Assessments need reviewing and updating, can they be distributed before the next meeting for comment.  Do the defibrillators, gateways and cemetery water pipe need adding?
10.Internal auditor 
Appointment of new auditor agreed, proposed by Cllr Hayward, seconded by Cllr Harvey, all in favour.
11.Amenities working group 
The clerk and Cllr Harvey are investigating new contractor and quotes for the recreation field cutting.  Alan has received the new cradle seat quote of £156.31.  Agreed to order and pay : Cllr Brooman proposed and Cllr Harvey seconded.
12.LCC Community Wildlife Grant 
Cllr McLaughlin is awaiting confirmation of grant allocation
13.LALC subscription renewal 
Agreed to be paid, proposed by Cllr Hayward and seconded by Cllr McLaughlin
14.Cemetery water supply
Cllr McLaughlin presented her report as a result of the site meeting with the landowner.  Based on the facts and the request for £1788.80 contribution and the ongoing maintenance liability of a non potable water supply, it was agreed that we would contact the landowner and arrange for the supply to be disconnected, cut and capped and a water butt installed at the shed.  Agreed, proposed by Cllr Brooman and seconded by Cllr Hayward.  A letter to be drafted by Cllr Brooman to the landowner.
15.Burial Committee matters 
Reviewed and agreed
18.Verbal reports 
Cllr Hayward highlighted the Christmas tree still on the upper green.  Will ask the clerk to email Adrian at Snowbird to arrange removal.
19.Meeting closed 9.30pm