January 2023 Minutes

Cllr Brooman (Chairman), Cllr McLaughlin (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Goode, Harvey, Hayward
In attendance
County Cllr C Vernon, District Cllr P Robins, 3 members of the public
Cllr Webber

During the public forum Dr Patrick Candler, Chairman of the Bytham Woodland Trust gave a presentation on The Spinney in Little Bytham which opened twenty years ago. The Councillors unanimously agreed to send a letter of support for the proposed improvements which already have planning permission from SKDC. 

1.Election of Chairman
Cllr Goode proposed Cllr Brooman as Chairman and was seconded by Cllr McLaughlin, all in favour. Cllr Brooman accepted the position until the May 2023 elections.
Cllr Brooman proposed Cllr McLaughlin as Vice Chairman and was seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour. Cllr Mc Laughlin accepted the position.
2.Declarations of interest
3.Approve minutes 21 December 2022
The notes of the meeting held on 21 December 2022 were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Brooman, seconded by Cllr McLaughlin.
4.Matters arising  
5.County Council matters
County Cllr C Vernon presented her report: cost of living crisis – Cllr Vernon will send links on how to access help and will put notices on the community shop notice board. Budget prediction- LCC’s total budget for the new financial year will be one billion pounds, with 275 million pounds allocated to community well being. 11.5 million pounds savings will be achieved through reduction in administration. The budget setting meeting will take place on 17 February. Elections – voters will need to provide photographic ID in order to vote at the May 2023 elections; any expired document with a photograph will be acceptable. Alternatively, voters can obtain an Authority’s Certificate which can be applied for online or at SKDC offices.
6.District Council matters
District Cllr P Robins presented her report: 
Parish update: Cllr Robins was pleased to be able to confirm that SKDC's plans to invest £3.9m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund have received full backing from the Government, as part of its Levelling Up commitment.
Confirmation of SKDC’s spending plan for the £3.898m means that the District Council can now build on projects to meet its priorities of communities and place; supporting local business; and people and skills.
Investment will include mobile CCTV, physical improvements to our high streets, investment in arts and heritage initiatives, marketing for South Kesteven, and help for the Council to access further funding.
This funding reaches all corners of the district including the numerous rural communities in South Kesteven. The Council has also been allocated a further £540,460 from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the delivery of the Rural England Prosperity Fund. SKDC is awaiting approval of this programme.

 SKDC’s HQ has moved: South Kesteven District Council has moved into its new headquarters: a modern, open-plan office on the top floor of Grantham’s cinema complex adjacent to our previous office accommodation.
This will improve business efficiency and working conditions, as well as saving taxpayers an estimated £300,000 a year in running costs.  
SKDC was embracing new ways of working and the new office provides the flexibility we need for this. The move will rationalise the Council’s operations against the backdrop of continued financial challenges and to reflect the significant change in working practices accelerated by the pandemic.
The Customer Service Team is temporarily based in Grantham Guildhall Arts Centre. The entrance is on Edith Smith Way between the Arts Centre and Grantham Museum and the office is open to the public Monday to Friday from 9am-1pm.The new postal address is South Kesteven District Council, Council Offices, The Picture House, St Catherine’s Road, Grantham, NG31 6TT; the main switchboard number remains 01476 406080.
Important safety advice: SKDC's Housing teams have worked quickly to share advice to their council housing tenants to help reduce the risk of condensation and mould following the sad death of a child in Rochdale from respiratory issues. As a responsible landlord, one of the Council’s roles is to inform tenants how they can reduce condensation and the potential for mould in their homes.
The Housing teams are sharing ventilation advice, providing mould treatment and keeping clear records to help monitor the housing stock.
Of course, this information and advice is useful for everyone, and can be found at the SKDC website, www.southkesteven.gov.uk by searching 'Condensation, Mould and Damp Control'.
New online platform for public meetings: the Council is improving public accessibility to its meetings with a bespoke new video streaming service. It allows anyone to watch meetings “live” as they happen, as well as access recordings at a time that suits them. We all expect Council business to be handled in an open, transparent, and accessible way, and upgrading this technology not only improves the user experience, but also encourages the public to engage with local democracy. Users can navigate to an item of interest within the meeting’s agenda as well as subscribe to be notified by email about upcoming meetings. The first meeting to benefit from the new software is the Budget Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Monday 9th January at 2pm via https://southkesteven.public-i.tv/core/portal/home 
Funding for community projects: a new round of council community grants totalling more than £13,000 has been approved from SKDC’s Community Fund.
Any constituted group and organisation within South Kesteven, including parish councils, can apply for SK Community Fund grants for projects or events that benefit the local community.  
Applications are invited for community projects or community events. Application forms can be requested by email to communityfund@southkesteven.gov.uk 
This time around, the Deepings will get new life-saving defibrillators to replace outdated equipment thanks to a £4,896 grant to the Lincolnshire Integrated Volunteer Emergency Service, LIVES. The iconic apple sculpture in Wyndham Park in Grantham can now be replaced thanks a £3,200 award to the Wyndham Park Forum. And an award of £5,000 will help deliver new projects at Grantham's Jubilee Church Life Centre and extend activities within its Community Hub.

Financial planning for the future: each springtime, SKDC sets its spending and council tax - and plans its finances for years ahead. As you know, just nine pence from every pound goes towards paying for the 100-plus services provided by SKDC. The remainder goes to Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Police, and the Town and Parish Councils. 
SKDC is making every effort to find efficiency savings and we are committed to delivering value for money to keep the council tax as low as possible. In such difficult economic times, the Council is faced time and again with having to make tough choices on where to spend money for the most benefit to residents. Cllr Robins promised to make sure every penny counts and that SKDC will balance local choice whilst maintaining as many services as it can.

And finally: Cllr Robins knew that, for many, the recent months have not been easy with rising prices and growing fuel bills giving many residents and businesses genuine cause for concern.
These very real difficulties do not go unnoticed. As a responsible, caring local authority SKDC’s Members and staff will do all we can to provide help and support, through the services we already provide and the decisions we take in the months ahead.
The council was already working hard to help – and there is good cost of living advice on its website at southkesteven.gov.uk   

7.Land ownership - Upper Green, Lower Green
Cllr McLaughlin has a scheduled a Teams meeting with the new assets manager at SKDC on 19 January. The Chairman said that SKDC should be made aware of their responsibility to repair the collapsed wall on the Upper Green.
8.Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group
Cllr McLaughlin said that the Planning Working Group had no comments on planning applications S22/244 and S22/2443 for work on trees. Cllr McLaughlin had made a site visit to Stonehaven, Morkery Lane, application S22/2469 which will see the property returned to domestic use and the access relocated. The applicants had explained at the public forum that the 1960s prefab bungalow will come down together with the 2009 extension. The Planning Working Group had no comments on this application.
9.Planning - A) S22/2444 - reduction of tibetan cherry (red dots), reduction and shape of silver birch and maple tree (green dot), removal of conifer (yellow dot); Celyn House, 4 Glenside, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application. B) S22/2443 - reduction and shape of 2 x Silver Birch trees (red dots), 1x Hawthorn tree, 1 x Rowan tree (green dots) and 1 x variegated Maple (yellow dots); Milvus House, 3 Glenside, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application. C) S22/2469 - Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth; demolition of 2 no. dog kennels, cattery, erection of 2 no. two storey extension, first floor extension, including remodelling of house, plus detached double garage. Stonehaven, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no comments on this application.
Cllr McLaughlin said that application S22/0338 for Castle Farm had been rejected by the Planning Inspectorate because the design was not appropriate for the location.
10.Amenities Working Group report - overhanging vegetation in Glenside
Cllr Harvey had sent a prior to the meeting after carrying out a playing field inspection on 17 January and found the area in reasonably good condition, given time of year.
Both main entrance gates and the swing gate to paddock and footpath on western side were in good condition.
There have been no noticeable changes to the play equipment since last inspection : awaiting new swing seat. Covered seating area secure, as are the three fixed picnic benches, and the six additional wooden chairs.
 As a result of weather and temperature changes, the loose end post on the slide mound was now fairly secure, with just slight movement discernible. Will still require re-fixing before ground shrinkage occurs. The damaged vertical slats: Peter Hinton had begun to look at alternative materials; Cllr Harvey consult on his return for update on any information obtained before his departure.
Mole activity was occurring further north, but still along the eastern edge of the Field, and away from areas of significant use.
The Councillors discussed the condition of the pavement from Counthorpe Lane into Glenside – the pavement was very slippery as a result of fallen leaves from Rectory Farm’s garden; overhanging bushes also make it difficult for residents to use the pavement – clerk to write to the owners of Rectory Farm.
Michael Wright will be asked to clear the leaves from the upper green steps.

11.Approve reimbursement for litter picker purchase
The Councillors approved the expenditure of up to £21 for a new litter picker used by a village volunteer. Proposed by Cllr McLaughlin, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour.
12.Burial Committee matters - signing of revised cemetery fees document
The revised cemetery fees document was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
oResident  - cemetery water supply
oRural cost of living survey
oLALC - annual training scheme
oRural services network
oLincs Police Q4 NSK newsletter
oLincs Police  - parish policing priority setting meeting feedback form
oDM planning support  - weekly planning lists
oLALC e-news
oMallard Pass action group
oParish UK network

The following payments were unanimously approved:
- JRB Enterprise - dog waste bags £76.98
- Anglian Water - cemetery £12.16
- Wattam Electrical - defibrillator installation £90.00
- Village Hall Committee - rent £120.00
- S137 donation - children’s Christmas party £125.00
- Jubilee donation - Bytham Woodland  £300.00
- Unity Trust Bank - bank charge £18.00
- Snowbird - Christmas tree £160.00
15.Councillors’ verbal reports
Cllr McLaughlin enquired who would take the Christmas tree down; Cllr Hayward will enquire.
Cllr McLaughlin suggested that Councillors take in in turn to set up the SID in its next rotation location, charge the device and download the data every month. The keys and device will be brought to the Parish Council every month ready to be passed on to the next Councillor.
Cllr McLaughlin will e-mail Matthew Davey at LCC regarding the County Council’s wildlife grant.