July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2019


Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Candler, Farley, Goodman, Hayward, Mellows, Thomas, Webber.

In attendance

County Cllr B Adams, District Cllr C Benn, 7 members of the public.

1. Declarations of interest

Cllr Farley declared a pecuniary interest with regard to item 15.

2. Approve minutes 19 June and 11 July 2019

The 19 June meeting notes were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman; proposed by Cllr Mellows, seconded by Cllr Thomas, all in favour. The 11 July meeting notes were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman; proposed by Cllr Candler, seconded by Cllr Goodman, all in favour.

3. Matters arising - upper green steps: discuss work so far and final invoice Cllr Hinton, Cllr Hayward and Mr J West will attend a site visit on 19 July; retired Cllr Vicky Dennis will be invited to attend.

The final invoice included an item which was not agreed on the original contract.

4. Website

Items were being transferred to a new website which will go live on 1 August.

5. Parish Council four-year plan – consider purchase of Castle Mound, installation of village gates, neighbourhood plan

Cllr Candler proposed putting together a four year plan - the Councillors were unanimously in favour. Cllr Candler will prepare a rationale which will be measured annually. A loan for the purchase of Castle Mound as a village asset, the possible installation of village gates, the creation of a neighbourhood plan were ideas to be discussed further as part of the plan.

6. County Council matters

Cllr Thomas thanked County Cllr B Adams for the new Water Lane road sign.

7. District Council matters


8. Planning issues - verbal report from the Planning Working Group

Cllr Mellows made the Parish Council aware of a letter from Roythornes Solicitors with regard to application S19/0699 for a community shop at The Old Quarry, Station Road. The content of the letter regarding encroachment onto Highways land was noted by the Parish Council who agreed that the matter was between SKDC and the party.

Cllr Goodman said that the Planning Working Group had completed a register of all SKDC approved planning applications and their conditions; a dropbox folder had been created. The Planning Working Group will check all conditions and any discharges of conditions - whenever necessary, the enforcement officer at SKDC will be asked to intervene. The new Local Plan was being studied to update knowledge on regulations.

The Parish Council needed to put in an application to submit a Neighbourhood Plan. LALC were revamping the neighbourhood planning process. Cllr Goodman had approached residents in order to form a Neighbourhood Plan Committee which will be driven outside the Parish Council. The existing Parish Plan would form the basis of the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Goodman would kick start the project and become its Parish Council representative. It was proposed by Cllr Farley, seconded by Cllr Thomas, all in favour to register a Neighbourhood Plan.

9. Planning

A) S19/0978 – Mr Carl Coddington; erection of a detached two-storey dwelling and detached single storey garage. Land on The West Side of Station Road, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had reservations about the size and scope of the proposed dwelling and garage. Vehicular access onto Station Road was of particular concern in view of the precedent occasioned by the application for 'Corner House' for which the original application had included vehicular access on Station Road and had to be amended to vehicular access on Clipsham Road. The school bus collects children from the bus shelter which stands opposite the vehicular access to the proposed garage; in the afternoon children are dropped off on the same side of the road as the vehicular access to the proposed dwelling. Should cars from the proposed dwelling be parked on the road itself, this would create serious visibility issues for vehicles entering the village from the crossroads.

The loss of greenery and removal of trees was also a concern; since the clearing of the quarry site for the self-build plots, much wildlife has been displaced and would disappear completely if more greenery were to disappear.

B) S19/1083 – Mr C Heard; erection of single storey extensions and alterations. New Inn, 27 Station Road, Castle Bytham.

The Councillors respected that the principle of replacing the car port with a garage structure was sound. There were concerns however about the size and scope of the proposed garage and how far it would protrude towards the road.

SKDC have given planning permission to the following applications

S19/0959 - Glen House, 63 Glen Road; non material amendments.

S19/0263 - 23 Glen Road; extension

S19/0987 - 51 Glen Road; non material amendments

10. Amenities Working Group report


11. Discussion to identify potential sites for an additional children’s playground to serve children at the upper end of the village

This matter was not pursued.

12. Cemetery matters

Top soil will be ordered. A reply to Mr Windsor who had complained about the state of the cemetery ground was being prepared.

13. Pond matters - sluice gate key

Mr Kent will give a sluice gate key to the Parish Council.

14. Elect parish council’s representative on Castle Bytham Education Foundation

A vacancy had arisen following the retirement of Peter Cox from the Foundation. The item will be back on the agenda in August.

15. Clay pigeon shooting, Little Bytham Road

The Parish Council had been approached by residents who found the noise caused by clay pigeon shooting unacceptable and distressing for pets. The owners of the quarry and shoot manger attended the Parish Council meeting and explained that their licence allowed for 28 shoots a year; dates will be published in Glenside News.

16. Remuneration and payments to Michael Wright

The Councillors unanimously agreed to increase Michael Wright’s hourly rate by £2.

17. Request for financial assistance from Glenside News

It was proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Thomas to donate £400 to Glenside News.

18. Correspondence

- Sheila Robinson, Church Warden - letter thanking the PC for taking on the cost of mowing the graveyard; ‘closed status’ of the graveyard will be applied for once a new incumbent is installed.
- Rural services network bulletin
- LALC e-news
- Invest SK
- Community Lincs - news and updates
- E mail from residents regarding the state of Glenside boundary paths
- Public sector executive
- Walk for Parkinson’s - Burghley House
- LALC - local council review 19/20
- HMRC - VAT claim notification
- SBA - LI0076 - notification of exemption certificate
- N Allsopp on village gates and Castle Mound
- TPTS Ltd - quote for work on tree at 2 High St
- S Hix - thanking for PC’s reply regarding concerns about hemlock
- S Robinson, Church Warden - letter thanking the PC for taking on graveyard mowing cost; ‘closed status’ of the graveyard will be applied for once a new incumbent is installed.
- e-mails from two residents regarding clay pigeon shooting at Little Bytham Road quarry 

19. Accounts

The Barclays Mandate was in the process of being amended - Cllrs Hinton and Thomas will become new signatories.

Cheques require two signatures; the Councillors unanimously agreed that retired Cllr Vicky Dennis would sign the cheques with existing signatory Cllr Harvey.

The following cheques were approved:

Castle BCA Community - children’s Christmas party [donation agreed at the February meeting] £400.00 [101202]
The Party Girls - senior citizens’ Christmas lunch [donation agreed at the February meeting] £400.00 [101203]
M Wright - mowing/strimming cemetery, upper green, riverbank £144.00 [101204]
LALC - training £54.00 [101205]
Glenside News - donation £400.00 [101206]

20. Councillors’ verbal reports

Cllr Goodman asked for ‘request for financial assistance from the Midsummer Festival towards the insurance for bonfire night’ to appear on the next agenda.

Cllr Webber said that The Old Manor House buddleia overhanging the pavement needed to be cut back as well as Albemarle Cottage hedge. Clerk to write to the owners.

Cllr Candler asked for ‘request for financial assistance for The Spinney’ to appear on the next agenda.