January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2019


Cllr Dennis (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Candler, Goodman, Hayward, Hinton, Martindale, Thomas, Webber.

In attendance

Cllr Richard Davies (Portfolio Holder Transport Highways and Technology), Mr Paul Sanders (Call Connect Manager), Ms Anita Ruffle (LCC Head of Transport), 39 members of the public.

1. Declarations of interest

Cllr Harvey declared an interest on item 8C

2. Approve minutes 19 December 2018

The notes of the meeting held on 19 December 2018 were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Thomas, all in favour.

3. Matters arising

Trees - Cllr Dennis said that Tommy Plummer will do work on the cemetery trees causing damage to two properties in Cumberland Gardens as well as the one on the upper green causing damage to number 2 High Street; the cost will be within the quotation already obtained.

4. County Council matters. Bus service provision – Officers from LCC Transport Group in attendance

Mr Sanders said that the October changes to the bus service was a trial pilot, subject to change - his team had travelled on 8 bus journeys, including a Friday afternoon to monitor service usage and had found the passenger numbers to be low. Residents said that the changes had been badly advertised and that not everyone used social media. Ms Ruffle said that public transport was not mandatory for local authorities and that Lincolnshire was good at providing funding for local transport - Ms Ruffle urged for a better use of the existing service : ‘use it or lose it’ was her conclusion. Residents would like a regular scheduled service to Stamford and were not happy with the ‘on demand’ service, which pitted residents of one village against those of another in order to get a booking. Cllr Davies will arrange a set of questions for the Parish Council to disseminate prior to a public meeting at the end of March at which a second item will be school transport provision to Bourne. A petition signed by 237 residents for the reinstatement of the regular bus service was handed to Mr Sanders together with a folder of written complaints.

5. District Council matters

County Cllr Mr B Adams to find out why some planning applications submitted in 2018 had not yet been determined.

6. Precept 2019/20

The Councillors unanimously voted to request a £14,000 precept; proposed by Cllr Hinton, seconded by Cllr Candler. £1,000 of the precept will be put towards setting up Neighbourhood Plan.

7. Planning issues –verbal report from Planning Working Group

The Planning Working Group reported on 8C - the frontage for the 3 proposed houses was only 40m, only one of the houses would have a turning circle.

8. Planning applications to be discussed

A) S18/2312- 6 Glenside, Castle Bytham; trees in CA, Section 211 Notice – remove Norway Spruce tree, pollard multi-stemmed Willow Tree and reduce Cherry tree by 2m and crown raise to 4m above ground. The Councillors had no objections to this application

B) S19/0049 – Cemetery, Off High Street, Castle Bytham; remove Pine tree (T1) to ground level. This application was requested by the Parish Council - the tree report will be sent to SKDC.

C) S18/2366 - Mr J Priestley, 51 Glen Road, Castle Bytham; demolition of bungalow and the erection of three detached dwellings with associated hard and soft landscaping. The Councillors agreed that the application was an over-development of the site in the Conservation Area . Two houses rather than the three proposed would allow for a car turning circle at each property situated on this narrow and busy road with cars routinely parked opposite the access point; it would also be more in keeping with the street scene. The application made no mention of working days/ times, demolition and disposal of the existing bungalow, possible presence of asbestos or materials delivery. As the site is adjacent to a bungalow and surrounded by other domestic properties more information of project management is required.

9. Amenities Working Party report

Work had started on the cemetery ground with a first invoice for £210; there were concerns as the estimate had increased from £600 to £1000 - new quotation to be considered at the February meeting. Cllr Hinton had carried out an inspection of the playing field - clerk to ask Michael Wright to saw and remove a fallen branch.

The picnic tables had rotten planks - clerk to ask Nigel Allsopp for a quotation. Cllr Hinton had obtained four quotations for a gazebo base - on agenda in February. It was agreed to accept the quotation from JM Builders for the upgrade of the Upper Green central flight of steps - clerk to write.

10. Zurich insurance - follow up from insurance claim

On 19 December, in an e-mail to Cllr Hinton, LCC admitted having removed the Cumberland Gardens and Water Lane grit bins in August 2018 and offered to return them. The insurance claim for two stolen bins and one damaged bin was invalidated as a result and the cheques will be returned to Zurich Insurance. LCC Cllr Davies offered to reimburse the cost of the 3 replacement bins purchased by the Parish Council.

11. Report on Castle Bytham Village Hall Committee

Cllr Dennis said a meeting would take place on 6 February.

12. Correspondence – seen

A. LCC Highways - LCC’s removal of 2 grit bins in August 2018

B. Zurich insurance - claim invalidated

C. Paul Sanders, Call Connect Manager - reply to Cllr Dennis’ letter regarding No 4 bus route

D. LALC - training schedule

E. L Mc Neil, SKDC - S106 arising from Old Quarry planning application

F. K Evans, LALC - Buckingham Palace Invitation; it was proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Thomas, to nominate Cllr Dennis.

G. J Edwards, SKDC - parish and town council elections 2 May 2019

H. N Allsopp - offer of a ledger to use as minutes book; gratefully accepted by the Parish Council

I. Rural Services Network

J. G Arnott - Citizens Advice Sth Lincolnshire

K. Public sector Executive Online

13. Accounts

Cheques approved:

- Village Hall Committee - rent £240.00 [101174]
- Snowbird - Christmas tree £100.00 [101175]
- T Lee Gardening Services - cemetery ground £210 [101176]

14. Councillors’ verbal reports

February agenda items requests: Cllr Goodman for a grant application from Emma Williams and Cllr Dennis for a grant application for the senior citizens’ Christmas lunch.