August 2020 Minutes (26th)

Minutes of the meeting held on 26 August 2020


Cllr Hinton (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Brooman, Farley, Hayward, McLaughlin, Thomas


Cllrs Goodman and Webber, County Cllr B Adams

1. Declarations of interest


2. Approve minutes 19 August 2020

The minutes of the 19 August 2020 meeting will be approved at the 16 September meeting

3. Planning - the following applications will be reported to the Planning Committee at SKDC on 2 September 2020

A. S19/0180 - Erection of 18 dwellings (Reserved Matters pursuant to S17/1134 - plot A layout only). The Old Quarry, Station Road, Castle Bytham

B. S19/2142 - Reserved matters sought for appearance, landscaping and scale for 18 dwellings in plot A pursuant to S17/1134. The Old Quarry, Station Road, Castle Bytham

C. S19/2208 - Reserved matters (layout) for plots B and C pursuant to S17/1134. The Old Quarry, Station Road, Castle Bytham

D. S20/0286 - Reserved matters sought for scale, appearance and landscaping for plot B, and scale, appearance, landscaping and access for plot C. The Old Quarry, Station Road, Castle Bytham

Cllr Hinton had registered to speak at SKDC’s Planning Committee meeting via Skype on 2 September and will prepare a brief which will be circulated to all Councillors for their comments prior to SKDC’s meeting. The main points raised by Cllr Hinton will be density, design and demographics.

Concerns will be raised on the grassland wildlife corridor which has been reduced in size following changes to plot A, making the corridor too narrow to be effective. The Councillors would like dispersal of affordable housing to be applied across the whole of the quarry. A query will be raised to the planning team regarding the self-build plots along Station Road, which by definition should be purchased, built on and occupied by the buyer of each plots; it was believed that the six plots had been purchased by a single developer. Clarification regarding landscape maintenance will also be raised as a company had not been appointed and reference had been made implying that residents would be responsible for maintaining