December 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2018


Cllr Dennis (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Candler, Hayward, Hinton, Thomas, Webber.

In attendance

County Cllr Mr B Adams, 1 member of the public


Cllrs Goodman and Martindale, District Cllr Mr M Wilkins

1. Declarations of interest


2. Approve minutes 21 November 2018

The notes of the meeting held on 21 November 18 were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Candler, seconded by Cllr Hinton, all in favour.

3. Matters arising - bus service provision

The Councillors had been collecting signatures for a petition to reinstate a regular bus service to the village and Cllr Dennis was still awaiting some of the petition sheets. County Cllr Mr B Adams had written to Richard Davies at LCC but had not received a reply; Cllr Adams had also spoken to Paul Sanders and was waiting for a written response. A public meeting will take place in Castle Bytham with LCC representatives - the two items on the agenda will be: a) public bus service Stamford to Grantham; b) school bus service Castle Bytham to Bourne.

4. County Council matters

Rowan Smith from LCC had attended a meeting and village site visit together with County Cllr Mr B Adams, Cllr Dennis and Cllr Hayward. Rowan Smith said that government extra funds were being allocated and he was hoping that Castle Bytham would be favourably considered for further road repairs.

Cllr Hinton had received an e-mail from LCC explaining that they had removed the Cumberland Gardens and Water Lane grit bins in August and asking whether the Parish Council wished to have them returned. It had been assumed that the bins had been stolen and the matter had been reported to the police; an insurance claim had been submitted to Zurich Insurance and recently settled - clerk to inform Zurich insurance of this latest development.

5. District Council matters

Cllr Adams to clarify the contents of SKDC Cllr P Moseley’s letter on Environment SK.

6. Planning issues –verbal report from Planning Working Group

Cllr Dennis and Cllr Thomas had made separate site visits to 34 Water Lane and reported that the proposal involved installing a flat roof instead of a pitched roof.

7. Planning applications to be discussed

A) S18/2076 - Mr and Mrs Richard Goodman, 34 Water Lane, Castle Bytham; section 73 application to vary condition 2(approved plans) of planning approval S16/1043 to alter the design of single storey extension. The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the application.

B) Planning Appeal: Pepperidge Farm, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham. The Councillors had no further comments to add.

C) S18/2300 – Mr and Mrs Stuart Dunn, 1 Heathcote Road, Castle Bytham; fell spruce trees (T1 &T2). Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice. The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the application.

8. Discuss financial priorities for the 2019/20 financial year

Cllr Hinton said that for the past eight years the PC started the financial year with two years worth of precept in the bank account. LALC’s advice was for half the year’s trading figure, not including monies earmarked, to be kept as reserve. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Hinton, seconded by Cllr Hayward, to transfer £5000 into reserves - the Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the proposal. The precept request for 2019/20 will be decided at the January 19 meeting. The Councillors discussed forthcoming projects such as the upper green steps, the cemetery ground, improvements to the playing field picnic area as well as local grants and possibly a community minibus.

9. Cemetery matters – quotations for work on trees

Two quotations had been received for work on a dangerous tree at the cemetery. It was proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Hinton to accept Tommy Plummer’s quotation of £2,160 inc VAT to fell the tree; a majority of Councillors voted in favour of the proposal.

10. Amenities Working Party report - playing field annual inspection report

The Councillors agreed in principle to accept T Lee’s quotation of £600 to level the rough ground at the west end of the cemetery and for the future maintenance of that area at a cost of around £300 per annum - proposed by Cllr Hinton, seconded by Cllr Hayward, all in favour. The expense will be on the agenda to be ratified at the January meeting. The Councillors also agreed in principle to accept JM Building Development’s quotation for the rebuilding of the Upper Green steps and installation of handrail and lights; funds for the project would be drawn from the current precept and also from the 2019/20 precept therefore work would start after 1 April 2019; Cllr Hinton was preparing a grant application from Mick George Community Fund and Lottery Awards for All - it was agreed to ask JM Building for a quotation for the second set of steps which could also be replaced in the event of a grant bid being successful. Cllr Dennis will contact Tommy Plummer with regard to the trees causing damage at 2 High Street and at two Cumberland Gardens properties. Michael Wright will be asked to trim the upper green bushes. Cllr Hinton had carried out a visual inspection of the playing field on 17 November 18, with nothing to report. Cllr Hinton would like to improve the picnic area at the playing field with the installation of a stout gazebo on a paved base where the picnic tables and benches would be located - the base would cost around £1000 and shrubs/trees around £400; Cllr Hinton was applying for grants from Mick George Community Fund and from the Public Works Loan Board.

The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of accepting Fenland Leisure’s maintenance quotation for the playing field - excluding the optional new bench, which brought the quotation down to £752.90 exc VAT.

11. Report on Castle Bytham Village Hall Committee

The report from Angela Davies following the completion of the works at the village hall had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. The new heated toilet block had received positive comments and the 8 November event had proved a success.

12. Correspondence – seen

A. LALC News
B. Public Sector Executive Online
C. Invest SK
D. William Egan - protecting public rights of way
E. Rural Services Network
F. Joanna Michael - women in local government conference

13. Accounts

Cheques approved:

- Village Hall Committee - donation for refreshments at 8 Nov event £50.00 [101173]
- Glasdon - 3 grit bins £730.76 [101174]

14. Councillors’ verbal reports