November 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2018


Cllr Dennis (Chairman), Cllr Harvey (Vice Chairman), Cllrs Candler, Goodman,Hayward, Hinton, Martindale,Webber.

In attendance

County Cllr Mr B Adams, eight members of the public


Cllr Thomas, District Cllr Mr M Wilkins

1. Declarations of interest

Cllr Goodman regarding item 7B

2. Approve minutes 17 October 2018

The 17 October 18 notes were approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Goodman, seconded by Cllr Webber, all in favour.

3. Matters arising - Insurance claim for two stolen grit bins and one damaged grit bin and purchase replacement bins.

Zurich Insurance have settled the claim for the purchase of three replacement grit bins to be delivered on 22 November.

Following a Glenside News article regarding bus service provisions to Bourne schools, several families have contacted Cllr Harvey who is also the editor of the magazine - LCC and Delaine representatives will be invited to a meeting with the Parish Council and the parents; at present Castle Bytham children need to be driven to Little Bytham to catch the bus. Delaine cites dangerous road condition and overhanging trees between the two villages and the absence of a turning area in Castle Bytham as reasons for the bus not coming to Castle Bytham. Clerk to write to Delaine and County Cllr Mr B Adams.

4. County Council matters

Public bus service from Grantham to Stamford - the Councillors approved the wording of a letter to be sent to Nick Boles MP, LCC, Stamford Mercury, Grantham Journal, Police Panel regarding the unannounced removal of Castle Bytham from the route. A number of potholes had now been filled.

5. District Council matters

District Cllr Mr M Wilkins will not be standing for election in May 2019.

6. Planning issues –verbal report from Planning Working Group

Cllr Goodman deplored the fact that only scale but no exact measurements were provided on planning applications. Cllr Dennis said that design and access statements from planning agents are repetitive and are not regularly revised to take notice of current factors affecting information contained therein.

7. Planning applications to be discussed

A) S18/1877. Mr R Hix - Potters Hill Farm, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham; erection of two agricultural buildings, new vehicular access and dwelling house with garaging and associated soft/hard landscaping. The majority of Councillors voted in favour of this application. Cllr Candler arrived.

B) S18/1940. Mr and Mrs R Chorlton - Park House Farm Cottages, Valley House, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham; erection of single and two storey extensions to dwelling and erection of detached carport with storage above and alterations. The Councillors had no objections to this application - Cllr Goodman had declared an interest and did not vote. 

C) S18/1952. Mr W Sacker - Pepperidge Farm, Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham; prior approval relating to the Change of Use of an agricultural building to a two storey dwelling. The Councillors had no objections to the principle. 

D) S18/1944. Mr T Wilson - Dove Cottage, Water Lane, Castle Bytham; fell prunus serula. The Councillors had no objections.

E) S18/2085. Mr J Bontoft - Land South of Roxholme Haven, Glen Road, Castle Bytham; erection of dwelling. A majority of Councillors voted against the application for the following reasons: The minimal change of scale and slightly lower ridge, still too high at 6 metres, bore no reference to the reasons for refusal by SKDC Planning Committee of the previous application S18/0499. Councillors felt that insufficient notice of the detailed reasons for refusal had been given and neither the applicant nor his agent offered any clarification of their position at our Parish Council meeting when this application was discussed. Because of its close proximity to Grade II listed Red Barn House and buildings the proposed new build would have a detrimental impact on both this important historical property and the street scene of the Conservation Area in which it stands. For this reason a majority of Councillors felt this application is contrary to Policy EN1 of SKDC’s Core Strategy and to Section 12 of the Planning Policy Framework contained in PPG.

SKDC has granted planning permission to the following applications:

S18/1594 - Willow Quarry, Little Bytham Rd; erection of agricultural building

S17/1134 - The Old Quarry, Station Rd; section 73 application to allow for minor material amendment to S14/3097 (increase in number of dwellings from 85 to 87 and amendments to phasing to accommodate self-built plots)

S18/1684 - Land opposite 39 and 41 Station Rd; change of building design to S17/0446. Same 12mx12m footprint but a simplified twin pitch roof layout.

S18/1300 - Land adjacent 37 Station Rd; outline permission for a two storey over basement dwelling with approval sought for access.

S18/1625 - Old Quarry House, Morkery Lane; change of use of land to domestic equestrian use including the construction of a single storey timber stables and riding arena on an existing prepared site.

8. Ratify purchase RBL centenary wreaths

The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the purchase of three RBL centenary wreaths at a cost of £56.97.

9. Discuss LCC’s parish agreement proposal for verge cutting scheme 2019/20

The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of joining the Parish Agreement scheme whereby the Parish Council would undertake the cutting of all urban highway verge for which they are responsible and for which they would receive a contribution towards their costs in lieu of the two safety cuts that LCC would no longer carry out - the minimum contribution would be £51.17, based on a total of 1163 m2 of urban highway verge.

10. Cemetery matters – quotations for work on trees

Cllr Dennis to write to MR N Perry with regard to access across Priory Farmyard for work on a tree at the cemetery - one quotation for its removal has been received from T Plummer who will be asked for another quotation for pollarding and banding the tree as another solution; more quotations were imminent on the same and a decision will be made at the December meeting. Quotations for cemetery trees damaging Cumberland Gardens properties would also be chased with a requirement for receipt before the December meeting.

11. Amenities Working Party report - playing field annual inspection report; discuss purchase of footpaths finger posts

The Station Road bus waiting area platform has been completed; clerk to write to T Smith to thank him for a splendid job –on his own initiative Tim added a wooden rear fence for additional safety and reflectors to the front railings, at no cost to the Parish Council. An updated quotation from JD Building Services was received for removing and rebuilding the central steps at the upper green - £5,400 - £6,000 depending on choice of materials; a handrail would cost £1,200 and LED lights £1,500. A formal quotation from T Lee was expected regarding the cemetery ground.

Clerk to write to SKDC planning section 106 to apply for funds towards play equipment at the playing field and ask whether funds could be available for essential projects in the village also. Clerk to contact LCC for grit to be delivered to the new bins. Finger posts costings once received will be considered for the precept budget.

12. Report on Castle Bytham Village Hall Committee; ratify donation towards refreshments for 8 November event

Cllr Dennis had circulated the following report prior to the meeting:

On the evening of 8th November Castle Bytham Village Hall Committee, together with the Parish Council, hosted an event to promote to the wider community the splendid new facilities in the Village Hall and the proposed Neighbourhood Plan Project. Although no official headcount was taken we estimate between 100 and 120 people attended and enjoyed a glass of wine and nibbles whilst talking to representatives of the many local activity and business groups who had promotional displays. These Groups were, in no particular order : Bytham Party Girls; Glenside Business Hub; St. James’ Church; Oaktree Services; Community Shop Project; “Anything Goes;” Happy Hookers (crochet club); Castle Bytham Summer Festival; “Glenside News;”Bythams Woodland Trust; Neighbourhood Plan Project; Castle Bytham Village Hall Committee;and Castle Bytham Parish Council.The evening was a great success given the amount of interest shown in the various activities on display, and several serious offers received from people keen to become involved in village community events. Volunteers are still urgently needed for the Neighbourhood Plan Project and anyone interested should contact either Vicky Dennis (07920 158291) or Kate Goodman (07808 398800) for more information.

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone involved in the organisation, participation and especially to those stalwart village residents who supported the event by their attendance. We must make this community gathering a more frequent event as everyone involved benefits. Suggestions for the next event will be warmly welcomed by the Village Hall Committee secretary, Angela Davies (

The Councillors voted unanimously in favour of a £50 donation towards refreshments for the 8 November event.

13. Discuss potential of door knocking exercise to make villagers aware of/participate in - bus petition, neighbourhood plan, 2019 PC elections

Councillors will approach residents with the bus petition in a first instance. An article will appear in Glenside News February 2019 issue regarding the neighbourhood plan and May elections.

14. The Battle of Bytham 2021 - the 800th commemoration

Cllr Candler explained that there was growing interest from a number of organisations, including invest SKDC, wishing to be involved; a project team will oversee the organisation of events to mark the anniversary at the Scheduled Ancient Monument.

15. Correspondence – seen

A. E mails from resident regarding purchase remembrance poppies and thanking the PC

B. Public sector executive online

C. LCC - grit bins filling

D. LALC- emergency text alert system

E. NALC/Plunkett East Midlands Local Councils webinar

F. Pudsey Diamond Engineering - heritage and decorative street lighting

G. Rural services network

H. LALC - training dates

I. Community Lincs - news and updates

J. SKDC - parish precept 2019/20

16. Accounts

The Councillors unanimously agreed for the following cheques to be signed:

M Wright - mowing £120.00 [101165]
A Water - cemetery rates £12.49 [101166]
T Plummer - tree survey £336.00 [101167]
T Smith - Station Rd bus waiting platform £1700 [101168]
R Webster - playing field mowing £307.20 [101169]
M Cooke - reimbursement RBL wreaths x3 £56.97 [101170]
LALC - training £30.00 [101171]


SKDC - community cleaner grant £203.58 [BACS]
Zurich insurance - grit bins claim settlement £577.41

16. Councillors’ verbal report
